Home Series Protecting What is Entrusted to Him

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him

He is Able to GuardTimothy 1: 12 concludes with this phrase “for I know whom I have believed, and I AM CONVINCED THAT HE IS ABLE TO GUARD THAT WHICH I HAVE ENTRUSTED TO HIM until that day.”  In pondering this verse three questions arise.  The first, do I believe that “He is able to guard” and like most believers, the answer would be a resounding YES.  The second is “would He do it for me?”  I believe strongly that the answer is yes.

And now to the third question, just what have I entrusted or committed to Him?  Many struggle in committing, fully trusting in Him for a large variety of reasons; from lack of teaching to outright rejection of such a notion.  Questions such as “Why did God do this?” or “Why did this happen?” also hinder us in surrendering everything to the Lord.

Learn with us about this and other promises which He made to His people.  He desires to keep, guard and to protect us.  Learn how we can commit it all to Him as we grow in our trust and confidence toward Him.


In This Series
01-Protecting what is Entrusted to Him

The Word of God teaches that God desires to sustain, to keep and to protect us. 

That is His covenant promise.  That is His side of this transaction, but we also play a role in this.  He asks us to cast our burdens on Him and to use our faith to trust in His faithfulness.  In essence, He is asking that we commit to Him all that is important to us, as He is able to protect and guard these items.

Yet most do not.  Even believers.  Some will say it’s all up to Him.  But we have been given His Word, His will for His people.

In this session, we will examine His promises, see examples where men experience such “keeping” and see how blessed we are to have God on our side.

He will continue to deliver and protect His beloved.


02-Maintaining My Hedge

In the book of 1st Corinthians, we are told that the things which are recorded in the Old Testament “were written for our instruction” today.  We begin this study with a look at God’s faithfulness to His GOOD PROMISES.

“Not one failed; they all came to pass.”

This assures us today that when He promises to protect what we commit to Him, so it shall be.  We will also examine cases where the Children of Israel stepped out from under that protection in order to learn what we can do to stay “hedged about,” as Job was.

We will also discover that the solution when we are found outside that protection, both for us today, is the same as it was with Job and the children of Israel and Job.

What a gift we have been given!


03-I Trust the Lord

Proverbs 3: 5 begins with the instruction to us to “TRUST IN THE LORD.”  In numerous other scriptures we are instructed to “Trust in Him” and reminded that our “fathers trusted Him” and to name just a few items were helped, not forsaken, not ashamed and will  “will be kept in perfect peace.”

A valid question is just what does it mean to trust in the Lord?  Also, what will be the result of my trusting?   And what should I base this trust on?  These are but a few of the items that will be addressed in this session.

Join us as we learn what it means to trust, what we can expect of the Lord concerning trust, and how do we exercise that trust and maintain it to the end.  In doing so, we will learn that we can entrust our entire being and life to a good, gracious God who loves us dearly!


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