Home Series No Fear: He Keeps Me

No Fear: He Keeps Me

No Fear;  He Keeps Me
No Fear; He Keeps Me

No Fear?  Is this really possible?  And maybe the key question is can I live without any fear?

Psalm 34 instructs us that the Lord delivered David from all his fears.  And all too often we say, “Yeah but that was David, not me.”  And yet we live under a new covenant that David never had!

In New Testament scripture, Paul tells us that the Lord is able to “keep all that we commit or entrust to Him.”  And once again we ask, “Is that true for me?”

In this study, we examine how fear comes to us and see that there is hope to live as Psalm 34 says of David.  We’ll also see that the “Keeper of Israel” will keep, or we might say guard and protect us just as He did with Israel.

The key is understanding our responsibility!  And the grace we’ve been given to live without fear and in His keeping power.

In This Series
01-Why Fear?

As the disciples headed across the sea with Jesus, a storm arose, and they questioned Jesus in great fear, “Don’t you care that we are perishing?”

But what do we notice about Jesus?  He was asleep during the storm!  With absolutely no fear?

How was this possible?  Or maybe a better question is what did He know that they didn’t?

Study with us to learn the answer to this question so that we too can sleep, or rest, in the middle of a storm!

02-Don't Let Fear In

In God’s creation, there was initially NO FEAR!  Can you imagine living where there is absolutely no fear?

Fear came with sin which caused spiritual death for Adam and Eve.  But Jesus took all the condemnation due us!

So today when fear arises, do we have to let it in?

This session will examine the origin of sin and the work of the cross so that we can see death holds no fear for us.  We don’t have to let fear in!


03-When Feelings of Fear Come

Is there a difference between sensing symptoms of fear and actually being in fear?

How does the PEACE that Jesus gives impact my ability to resist fear?

Can I have thoughts and emotions that are strong and yet not yield to them?

This session will address these and several other issues that help us resist fear as those emotions rise up!


One Comment

  1. Holy Spirit led me here. Guess I need it. More to come

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