Home Series My Kinsman Redeemer

My Kinsman Redeemer

My Kinsman Redeemer
My Kinsman RedeemerMany studies of the book of Ruth focus solely on Ruth’s commitment to Naomi.  While this is an important lesson of great love, of which we should take note, there is a much larger element to this account.

Indeed, it is not just a story about Naomi and one about Ruth.  For us, it is a type and shadow of our need for a Redeemer.  It is about One who makes a long-term commitment to His BELOVED.

It is about Jesus, our GOEL, our Kinsman Redeemer!

In This Series
01-In a Bad Way

The book of Ruth begins with an account of Elimelech and his family leaving God’s Promised Land when a famine is rampant in that Land.  And 10 years after losing her husband, Elimelech, Naomi finds herself in a desperate situation, which only gets worse as both her sons also died.

How could a family of Israelites end up in such a bad way given all the promises of goodness that God made to them?  What have they done that might have limited the Lord’s hand?

Study with us to find the answers to these questions as we encounter their need for a Kinsman Redeemer.


02-Provision in the House of Bread

Why would a gentile woman whose husband is deceased return with her mother-in-law to her hometown?  Especially as it is a place where the people are thought of as second class.

See how the blessing spoken over her caused her to leave her country and her God.  It caused even greater blessing to come upon her and Naomi!

The favor of the Lord was upon Ruth, and this is still true today of you and me, as we believe in Jesus!


03-Goel Revealed

Do you believe the Lord still bestows FAVOR on His people?

If not, then you should hear or view this teaching and see the favor bestowed on Ruth as she remained faithful to Naomi!

And remember, He is no respecter of persons.  She trusted Him to be faithful to His Word and so can we!


04-The Proposal

Ruth has been diligent to follow Naomi’s guidance as they have come back to Bethlehem, The Land of Bread.  In so doing, they have partaken and been sustained by the grain this land has produced.

Now she receives instruction to submit herself to Boaz; essentially proposing to him as she requests him to take the role of her redeemer!  What a beautiful picture of how we are to pursue our Lord and Savior Jesus!

Learn with us how the role of the Go’el Haddam is to be carried out!  So much to learn about how our redeemer views us as His possession today!


05-The Redemption

Boaz was faithful to do exactly what he promised!  At the gate of Bethlehem, he conducted the Lord’s business with the closest redeemer and the city elders!

See his wisdom as he lays out the facts to his fellow elders!  As the matter is settled, another great blessing is spoken over Boaz and Ruth!!

Learn with us today how we today should expect the blessing of the Lord to manifest in our lives, all because of our Go’el.



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