Home Series Manifesting the Name of Jesus

Manifesting the Name of Jesus

Manifesting the Name of Jesus

Manifesting the Name of JesusIn John 17 Jesus declared that He “manifested Thy Name (the Father’s) to the men” that were given to Him.  He did so through both the Words He spoke and the works that were performed through Him.  He closed the chapter saying that He had made His (Father’s) name known and then noted that He will make it known!  How can this be?

Do we as born-again believers play a role in making the Father’s name known in these current days?  How might this happen?  Acts gives us a clue as Luke writes of Jesus declaring, “you shall be My witnesses!”

Learn with us in this series our role in revealing the Name of Jesus as a member of the Body of Christ!

What a privilege we have!


In This Series
01-For Me A People: Of Renown

Jesus left us direct instruction that we were to be the agent of heaven that manifested the Father’s Name to men during the church age.  The Word also tells us that God chose us to be, in His words, “For Me a people!”  And that we would be a people FOR A NAME or as the New American Standard Bible translates it a people for “For Renown!”

Let that sink in.  You and I have been destined to be A PEOPLE for the God of the universe!

Learn with us in this first session what the great calling and destiny really imply.  You and I are the instruments that God has planned to use to reveal Himself and His Name to the World.  Quite a calling!

How will we respond?


02-For Me A People: For Praise

Many of us would be bothered to think about this title; me being for PRAISE.  It almost sounds as if we are the ones that the Lord is saying should be praised.   NO!

Father did say that we are to be “For Me A People” and following that said, “For a Praise.”   But He is not saying we are to be the final one praised.

Learn with us today how we are to receive and be seen by others as the beneficiary of His mighty acts, for which He is to be praised!  All so that men may see His Name MANIFESTED in the earth today!


03-For Me A People: For Glory

Many of us are challenged greatly that we are to be a people for God, and especially a people of Glory.  Renown and praise were a stretch, AND FOR GLORY??

Learn with us today as we study the Glory of God AND see how we have become objects, or ornaments of His Glory!

We carry the Spirit of Glory in this temple which dwells with us!

What a rich heritage!!


04-His Presence Seen in Me

Time and time in scripture we are told that we are to be the WITNESSES of the Lord!  Yet quite often we just do not see ourselves as being a witness to His goodness.  We often think that is not who I am!

But the Lord sees us differently.

The object of His LOVE and His GLORY!! 

Those who He has BLESSED abundantly.

Study with us today and see who He has made us to be!  We are THE BLESSED; THE WITNESSES of and for our Lord Jesus!


05-His Person For Renown, Praise and Glory

Have you ever felt like Gideon?  He saw himself as a member of the LEAST tribe of Israel, the LEAST family in the tribe of Manasseh, AND the LEAST of his family!

YET GOD CALLED HIM A VALIANT WARRIOR!   And designated him to deliver Israel from the hand of the Midianites!

Learn in this session how Gideon progressed, began to follow God, and grew in his trust in the Lord and His Word.  We too have been given instructions and can also become His person for renown, praise and glory.


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