Home Series Life With The Spirit of Power

Life With The Spirit of Power

Life With The Spirit of Power

Life With The Spirit of PowerAs I look at our nation, I am struck at how much the church (people) resemble those people who are “in the world (non-churched).”  It is often difficult to tell the difference.

Even under the Old Covenant, Moses recognized that the Presence of God distinguished Israel from all the other nations.

Of them, Father spoke that they were to be a people who would cling to Him, a people of renown, for His praise and glory.  He sees us, His church, in the same manner!

In this study, we will examine how we need to live LIFE WITH THE SPIRIT OF POWER.  Holy Spirit will be that distinguishing Presence such that others will come to His light, the One that shines in THE CHURCH, we His people!

In This Series

01-Foolish to Move Without His Spirit

Scripture tells us that we, THE CHURCH, are to be TODAY, HIS OWN POSSESSION, a people who CLINGS to Him.  And as such, a people of renown, for praise and glory!

And it is all about Jesus!  His Name.  His praise.  His glory.

And none of it would be possible without the Holy Spirit of Power, who dwells in and desires to FILL us!


02-Anointed to Bear Fruit

In the Old Covenant, we saw that it was foolish, in Moses’s opinion, for Israel to move on without the Spirit of God going with them.

As we live in the new and better covenant, is it still important to look to Holy Spirit in our every step?  Absolutely!  If we look at our standard, Jesus, we see that after the Spirit came upon Him, he began to bear much fruit to the honor of His Father!

We too are to be anointed to bear fruit!


03-Anointed and Making a Difference

As BELIEVERS in JESUS, we have been offered an opportunity to open up our lives and live expansively.  How will we respond?

And it is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit in us and through us!

Will we cling to Jesus and be His people?  A people of renown for praise and glory!    It’s a decision each of us must make!


04-You Are My Witnesses

YOU ARE MY WITNESSES is a declaration made by the Lord concerning His people.  We will see that from the beginning of time, this has been His plan.

And TODAY, that is equally applicable to the CHURCH!  Jesus recognized that the disciples needed help in fulfilling this charge and He told them to wait for the Promise of the Father.

We in the church are in great need of that same Helper! 


05-The Promise of the Spirit

In both the Old Covenant and the Gospel accounts, we are instructed to expect the giving of the Spirit of God to man!

Has that become a reality for you or is that an expectation that you yourself have today?

Regardless of your answer, this session is for you!  Let the Word build your faith that it is the Father’s promise to man to both give His Spirit to us and pour His Spirit out upon us!


06-The Most Precious Gift Given

Can you imagine the thoughts of those in the upper room, WAITING as Jesus instructed them to receive power to be His witness?

One thing they knew for certain, it was important, or He wouldn’t have told them to WAIT, and it would be good, just as He was always good!


07-The Something Extra - Tongues

The disciples were TARRYING as Jesus instructed as a part of the 120 in the Upper Room.  Expecting the Holy Spirit of POWER to be poured out upon them; they also got something extra.

They were heard praising God and magnifying His works as they SPOKE IN TONGUES which they did not know.

We too can speak as they did as we receive the pouring out of the Spirit of Power, who also gave them utterance in this new language!


08-Refreshing and Rest

Scripture teaches us that the Children of Israel were unable to enter into that rest as they would not believe, nor listen.

That word is also prophetic toward the church in this age of Grace that we have.  See how receiving and using the something extra, the gifts of tongues position us for REFRESHING AND REST!


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