Home Series I Can Receive From My Father

I Can Receive From My Father

I Can Receive From My Father

I Can Receive From My Father2 Peter 1 says that everything we need pertaining to life and godliness has ALREADY BEEN GRANTED to us!  It goes on to say that we are to be partakers of that divine nature!  Hallelujah!  Ponder what this really means to us!  All we need has already been provided and is promised to us NOW!  And this includes the healing of our bodies!

  • What is holding us back from partaking in those promises? 
  • Could it be that we have difficulty receiving God’s grace by faith? 

We’ll study some areas that may hinder us from receiving God’s best for us and see our faith to receive grow.


In This Series
01-Good Ground Receives the Seed

Everything we receive from the Lord comes by grace, through faith!  We must act in faith on the promises that have been made and that are ours by His grace.

This session will identify areas where we may have already received His grace and will encourage us to grow in our faith to receive all He has for us!


02-His Seed Produces and We Receive

In the previous session, we learned how we can prepare the ground of our hearts to receive the Word of God.  Today we will see that there are steps we can take to keep that Word alive in our hearts to produce the harvest we desire.

Learn with us how others kept their focus, their eyes on the promise and made room to receive what had been promised.


03-To Pray or To Say

For many Christians, praying seems to be an exercise in futility. Many will actually say God’s going to do what He wants, period.  To which I would say, why pray at all?

In this session, we will look to our example, the man Jesus. We’ll examine His works while on the earth and see His instructions to His disciples, and us, concerning prayers and speaking declarations to produce a manifestation of God’s grace in our lives.

We cannot leave up to God what He has left to us!


04-Shut the Door

I’ve learned that what I behold, that is look and listen to, becomes what I make room for in my mind and in my heart.  And as it takes root in me, it then begins to exert its power over me!

Study with us in this session as we learn to SHUT THE DOOR on the things in our life that can hold us back, especially in receiving from our Lord!


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