Home Series Hope Abounds in a Strong Spirit

Hope Abounds in a Strong Spirit

Hope Abounds in a Strong Spirit
Hope Abounds in a Strong Spirit

As I was traveling home from Florida the Lord spoke to me and said, “Hope abounds in a strong spirit.”   Abounding hope, ever expectant.  That is the way I want to live.

The Word tells us that we are to guard our hearts and that the issues of life flow from our heart, our spirit!!

Learn how true hope differs from wishing and what is the difference between a strong and weak spirit.  Together these are powerful.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-A Strong Spirit Sustains

When you hear people say, “I sure hope He answers my prayer,” what do they really mean?  Are they wishing, or wanting?  Or are they expecting the answer to come?

Learn what Bible HOPE really means.

Also, do you feel as if you about to faint, or give up?  This session will teach you the way to a strong spirit filled with hope.


02-The Man Jesus - My Hope is a Person

How do I get hope?  I saw what happened to Aunt Mary.  Should I base my hope on her getting well?  Or Uncle Tony, it didn’t turn out good for him?

  • What do I base my hope on?
  • What, or more accurately WHO is the source of my hope?
  • Where does it come from?
  • How do I receive it?

The Word shows us the answers to each question.


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