Home Series His Way is Peace – It is My Choice

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice

His Way is Peace - It is My ChoiceOver and over scripture tells us to fear not, yet most people think it is just not possible to never walk in fear.  However, the Word teaches us that it is our choice to walk in fear or in His peace.  And we can actually walk on a road of turmoil while experiencing His supernatural peace.

Fear is a strong spiritual force that has a negative impact on our spiritual, emotional, and physical being.  His peace, a fruit of the Spirit, is a powerful force that will protect us in times of trouble.  And His command to us is the WAY OF PEACE.

We will examine what the Word teaches us about the source of fear and its impact.  We will see how we can defeat fear and anxiety as we use His peace to guard our minds.  We use the Word with praise and thanksgiving so that we move into and remain in the peace of God.

Let us walk together in His Way of Peace.

In This Series
01-Walking in the Way of Peace

Imagine how the disciples must have felt when Jesus began telling them that He would be leaving them.  Yet this discourse started with “Let not your heart be troubled.”   Jesus desires that in every circumstance we allow His Word to work in our heart and produce PEACE.

His way is PEACE!

Peace or worry, dread and fear.  It is a choice we make.  You can run the way of His commandments as they produce His peace in your life!


02-Guarded by Peace

Simply stated, Jesus is my peace.   Yet Paul instructs us to practice what we have seen him do.  In doing so, we will see the manifestation of the God of Peace in our lives and we will be guarded by peace!

Seems too simple but that is truth.  

Paul also instructs us as to how we are to practice what he did.

  • Rejoicing
  • Full of Joy

Being anxious for no thing, no not one!  Spend time with God in prayer and let Him know your needs.  Stay focused on Jesus.  THEN, the peace that Jesus gave us will guard our hearts and minds!  It is our choice.


03-His Peace Changes the Atmosphere

Jesus told His disciples “Let us go to the other side” as He instructed them to cross the sea of Galilee.  When a storm arose and disciples feared for their lives, He was sleeping peacefully!

Can YOU sleep in any storm that life may bring?

Jesus says we have His peace.  That is the same peace that allowed Him to sleep in this situation.

Learn with us as we study this account to see how both the disciples and us today can live life in His peace.


04-I Don't Have to Fear

Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?  Because they were afraid is the simple answer.  But afraid of what?   Of being punished perhaps.  Did they see themselves condemned as someone who has been found guilty in a court may have?  With their sin came both fear and condemnation.

And to this day, the devil will try to use both to separate us from God, His Word and His people.  But we have been made righteous in Christ Jesus.  No fear, nor condemnation!

I don’t have to fear!


05-Fear and My Value system

Many will tell you, “Just follow your heart.”  And while it sounds like a good idea, it may not be so.  What you value is where you will spend your time, attention and finances; that is what you treasure. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

What do you treasure?

His Kingdom or the pleasures of this world?  One leads to joy and peace while the other leads to fear.  Choose wisely.

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