Home Series Healing Power Toward Me

Healing Power Toward Me

Healing Power Toward Me

In the book of Luke, scripture states that while Jesus was teaching, that “the power of the Lord was present to heal.”  Should we not then expect that when we gather to be taught the Word, that healing power is present to heal all who need it?  Absolutely we should!!

Did scripture not say that the Father sent His Word and healed them?  Over and over, it says Jesus healed them all, which implies the power to heal was present then as well.

Let’s learn together in this series how we need to “have faith in the power of God” and to esteem highly His power that we too can experience the manifestations of power.

In This Series
01-I Believe in The Power

From the first chapter in the Bible through the book of The Revelation, the POWER OF GOD is on display!  In fact, if you do not believe in the miracle power of our Father then how can you explain your salvation, being made a new creation.

Even the demons recognized that God Most High (El Elyon) possessed power that FAR superseded any powers that they possessed!  They have no answer for His Word and His Power.

Learn with us in this session how we can have faith in His Word as His great power always produces what He speaks.  See how from Old Testament through the New Testament, men were told and learned to TAKE their miracle that was manifested!

I have faith in the POWER OF GOD!

02-Believe His Power and You Will See It

Paul declares in Romans 1 that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.  The good news about Jesus and His Cross is the power of God for our salvation.  But we need to expand our view of salvation to much more than a ticket to heaven.

Learn with us today that His power also provided for your healing!  See Jesus manifest the power of God for healing time and time again.  AND see that the Word says His Power is still available for His church today!

Believe in the power of God and you will see it!

03-His Presence: In Glory and Power

Throughout the Old Testament, we see the GLORY of GOD appearing.  It appears in a burning bush, a cloud in the sky, a cloud covering a mountain and it also “fills the temple” such that the priests could not even enter in!

  • How do you see or perceive the glory? 
  • What is the glory?  
  • What is it that makes up the cloud that descended, or filled the temple?

In this session, you will learn about His Presence, The Glory and The Power!  We will see how these three impact the natural realm that we dwell in today; how it produces fulness of joy.

AND REMEMBER, THIS IS THE SAME PRESENCE THAT DWELLS IN YOU!  Should we see it manifest today as it did previously?


04-Strengthened By His Power

Have you ever felt as if you were at the end of your rope?  That you just could not go on?   Paul did; he said that he felt as if he had “the sentence” of death!  But Paul did not quit nor give in!

In fact, he just declared that “in his weakness, he was strong.”  How could this be?  Paul knew that now that THE POWER of Christ would rest on Him!

That same power is available to you and me TODAY!


05-Hearing the Word of His Power

In the second chapter of John is the account of the water being turned into wine.  Mary instructs the servants “Whatever He says, do it.”  And the servants turn their attention to Jesus.

But what is our nature if we don’t hear something very quickly?  ACT!  Start doing or saying something!!  And what have we missed?

We have missed His first instruction toward us receiving our miracle!  Learn with us through this and other scriptural accounts of power manifesting from the Word of the Lord to those involved.


06-Healing Power Manifesting in Me

We have seen how the Lord has made His power available to us, His beloved.  Yet we as believers don’t see it actually manifest as we should.  What can we do to impact this?

In this session, we will examine the Lord’s instruction to us in three areas which will position us to have healing power manifest in our body as it should!


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