Home Series Healing, Cleansing and Redemption

Healing, Cleansing and Redemption

Healing, Cleansing and Redemption

Healing, Cleansing and RedemptionJesus told His disciples to HEAL THE SICK and to CLEANSE THE LEPERS!  Lepers asked to be CLEANSED, not healed?

Why the different words HEAL and CLEANSE?

Have we missed something in our understanding?  Spend time with us in this series to see the difference and experience the fullness of our redemption.

In This Series
01-Leprosy, A Type of Sin

Is it significant that the very first detailed “healing” in the Gospel accounts is the “cleansing of a leper?”

Why is it not the healing of the leper?   Scripture instructs us that leprosy is a type of sin.

Learn with us in this session as we establish a foundation for increased understanding of the account of Jesus’s cleansing of the leper.


02-The Law and The Ceremony

As you understand the Law of God given to the children of Israel, you will have a much better appreciation of the great risk the Leper took in approaching Jesus.  Jesus was his only chance.

Once healed of the disease, see how Father provided for total restoration so he could return to a full life with those He loved.

In this, is our redemption seen!


03-The Testimony: Messiah, I AM Here

In the first part of the healing ceremony for the leper, he is sprinkled with the blood of a common bird and declared clean as the 2nd bird is set free.

But in the next part of the ceremony, 7 days later, a sacrifice is made that is called MOST HOLY.

What is this and what does it represent?


04-Redeemed, cleansed and Healed: It's Mine

The picture painted in the cleansing ceremony of the leper was personified FOR US through the person of Jesus.

See Him in each sacrifice that was presented.  But most of all see His LOVE for you!


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