Home Series Grace, Faith and the Power of God

Grace, Faith and the Power of God

Grace, Faith and the Power of God
Grace Faith and the Power of God

It is not at all surprising that the two key elements God intended to work together have become such a divisive issue in the church today.  Separate camps have devolved as many declare I am of the faith camp and others move solidly toward it is all about grace.  Others say it is God’s decision alone when His power flows.

This is one way the enemy works to keep God’s people from manifesting His power in the earth today.  Grace and faith were to work in combination with each other.  God desires that we increase in faith and exhibit His great grace in our lives.

In this study, we will pursue teachings which will enable us to walk in greater faith and to better understand and receive this grace in which we are to stand.  God’s word, the Word of Grace and the Word of Faith will build us up in both areas such that we shine brightly exhibiting the fulness of the blessing in power in our lives!

By grace, through faith is His salvation manifested in power to us and through us.

In This Series
01-Receiving from God


This seems to be a question that too frequently divides the body of Christ all the while minimizing our ability to receive what God has made available to us, and through us for others.

This session will set the stage for an in-depth study of these topics as we look at what each entails and how they work together for our good.

By grace, through faith, His power is released in our lives.


02-My Life of Faith

For many, the word faith means what religion or denomination with which you are associated. For others, it represents a collection of beliefs. In this study, we will begin to examine what the Word of God says about faith.

We are told repeatedly in the Bible that God’s righteous man is to live by faith, and it is also required to please Him. We will see that a life of faith turns the routine into the supernatural and that living with Faith in God is an exciting life. The life of faith brings Light into this world.

Believing God and His Word is what I do.


03-The Way I Walk

The Word of God tells us that those of us who believe have Abraham the father of our faith. We also receive instruction that we too are to follow his example as we follow in the steps of the faith.

Many react in this way.

“But that was Abraham and how can I do that?”

Yet we read that we too are cut from that same rock or quarry; we like Abraham have what it takes to be successful in this walk of faith and grace. Faith is to be our natural reaction when we encounter Jesus, the creator of this universe.


04-Faith in His Power
In 1 Corinthians 2: 5 Paul instructs us that “Your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God.” For me, this raises the question “Do I have faith in the power of God operating in and through me?”

God’s power, active in our lives, ought to be one of our greatest realities!

Paul declared in 1 Corinthians that “…the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.”

If you were asked what you believe, would you instantly begin to talk about God’s power manifesting in your life?

We will see in Paul’s life that he was totally dependent on his faith in the power of God operating in his life. We too can live and walk in this same faith in His power.


05-Full of Grace and Truth

For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”  John 1: 17

The New American Standard Bible says, “grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.”   Not just grace, but truth also.  And not just truth, but grace also!

In this session, we will examine what grace is and is not.  And we will also learn how grace and truth work together empowering.

He loves us so much that through grace and truth Jesus takes us where He wants us to be. 

Neither grace nor truth is comprised but works together.



06-Grace Provides and Produces

For many, GRACE is viewed as providing a ticket to heaven.  Sadly, those who hold this view are not partaking “of the manifold grace” that Jesus provides to those who believe.

We are instructed to be good stewards of this manifold, many different graces that come with our salvation.

In this study, we will examine those gifts of GRACE which are provided beyond salvation.  We will also see how GRACE’s power produces abilities beyond our natural abilities to serve Jesus and His people.

His grace is sufficient for all we need!


07-Great Grace for Us All

Proverbs 19: 12 tells us that the King’s “favor is like dew on the grass.” Have you seen such a heavy layer of dew it looks as if it has rained? That is the vision I have of the grace that King Jesus desires to provide to us!!

Is this really possible?

Acts 4: 33 concludes with the declaration that “GREAT GRACE (emphasis mine) was upon them ALL (emphasis mine)!”   Not just the apostles or disciples but for all of those in the church!

Can you catch a glimpse of the powerful body of Christ we would have today with GREAT GRACE UPON US ALL! Let the Word teach you how to begin to increase in His grace today.


08-His Grace at Work

The favor and grace of God can be seen at work in the lives of many men and women from the beginning of time.  We can be encouraged that this same grace is available to us.

We can also learn from these examples how to walk more fully in this grace, position ourselves for even more grace, how this grace can not only benefit us but countless others and even more lessons on walking in His grace.

This session will examine a number of individuals to whom the grace and favor of God were bestowed and how that grace worked in their lives.


09-Value His Grace

How do you react when someone compliments you concerning the work of God in an area you have been given grace?

Do we try to make light of it as we say, “it’s not me?” 

Or do we quickly give glory to God for the working of His grace in us and through us?

Paul gives us clear instruction in the epistles on the work of God’s grace in his life and how much he valued that anointing.  At times he seems to boast on himself, BUT when you read the entire scripture, it becomes clear that God is the one being glorified.

We too have that same opportunity to glorify God for His grace at work in us!


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