Home Series Give Me My Mountain

Give Me My Mountain

Give Me My Mountain

Give Me My MountainIn early September of this year, the Lord spoke to me and said (my paraphrase), “After you teach that I don’t just have love, I AM LOVE, I want you to teach a series entitled Give Me My Mountain.

After leaving Egypt and spying out the promised land, seeing all his fellow Hebrews resist God, and wandering in the desert for 40 years, Caleb remained faithful to God. Now it was his time to possess the land that had been promised him.  And what He declared to Joshua is amazing.

What strength of a spiritual nature, steadfastness in his thought life, even physical strength he displayed as he declared, “Give me this mountain.”  He absolutely knew it was truly “my mountain” and it was time to take it!

Learn how we too can act in such boldness as we approach God’s throne to receive what has been promised, already given to us!

In This Series
01-My Faithful Father
What separated Caleb and Joshua from the people of Israel whom God had redeemed?   Both saw His works; both heard His promises.  What was the difference?

Learn today how they believed God and counted Him faithful.  Yet you might ask, what does it mean that God is faithful?  See how you can’t separate His faithfulness from His love, His goodness or His promise to always be with us!


02-Faithful to My Jesus

Is it important for me to be FAITHFUL to Jesus?  What does it mean for me to be FAITHFUL to the Lord?  What if I miss the mark, does that disqualify me from being His?

These are all important questions that all believers should know!  In this study, we will see what the Word says about FAITHFUL men and women and will examine closely what Jesus says about it!  Finally, we will see that in the end, it is all about His faithfulness to us!

What an encouragement!


03-Whose Report Do YOU Believe

This is the question asked of all men concerning our Lord Jesus in this redemption chapter.  We would reply we believe the report of the Lord, and rightly so.  BUT do we truly believe His revealed Word to the point that we would ACT ON IT?

We find examples of both sides of that coin in scripture.  But we must believe that we too are capable of hearing, believing and acting on His Word.


04-Believing the Report and the Anointing

Have you ever considered WHY Caleb and Joshua were able to believe the report of the Lord even after seeing the walled, cities, strong armies and even giants?  What differentiated them from the rest of the 10 spies?

Maybe understanding Caleb’s different spirit holds an answer for us!

Learn with us in this teaching what role hearing from the anointing that rests on the Word (taught or written) plays in receiving.  And equally important, the role that the anointing IN YOU as a believer plays in your hearing, we might say anointed.


05-Always Remember

Have you ever wondered how Caleb maintained such steadfast confidence in the Word of the Lord concerning the Land?  For 45 years he kept it alive and was ready to act on that word!

Compare that with Israel forgetting their deliverance the day after being redeemed from the hand of Pharoah.

In this session, we will explore the Lord’s instruction to His people to REMEMBER, both His words and acts!  See with us the methods He used to keep His words and acts alive in their hearts!



When the Bible talks about hope that comes from and is in the Lord, what exactly does HOPE mean?  Is it similar to wanting something really bad, even though it is a long shot?  Or is it just wishing for something?

Bible hope is totally different!

Learn exactly what Biblical hope is and how we are to utilize this hope in our life!  This HOPE is part of the Gospel, the good news about Jesus and what He wants for us!


07-The Word of Power

Did the words that Caleb spoke to the children of Israel contain power?  Before you answer, remember that these words were God’s Words!   Does our Faith rest in the POWER of God or do we place faith in what man says?????

Learn how we as spiritual beings are to operate in this world as one with authority and power.  That is what Jesus told us! We too have power in our words when we speak God’s words in faith!


08-Power Twins: Bold and Confident

Do we really understand what is meant when the Bible declares that we are to be bold?  Or to be confident?  How do become both bold and confident?

And another big question is, can our boldness and confidence impact the words that we speak?

It is essential for us to answer these questions if we are to walk without a spirit of fear, as Paul tells Timothy.  We must know that we are to live fear-free with a spirit of power, love and a sound mind!

Let the Word instruct us and bring us faith to walk as Paul, as Peter, and as Jesus did.


09-Did Caleb Pray or Say?

If we look closely at Joshua 14, we see that Caleb boldly declared that the mountain land was his, promised him by his God!  Can we declare with the same confidence as Caleb on what Jesus has promised us?

In this lesson, we will examine how Jesus dealt with manifestations of evil or the mountains that were hindering those He ministered to.  Others followed in His footsteps under His authority!  What does this imply about us today in our new and better covenant?


10-We Command and We Ask

Jesus commanded and the Enemy Obeyed.  Jesus asked and received from His Father; in fact, He noted that He only did what He saw His Father do.   How does this relate to believers today?

In this session, we’ll directly address the asking and commanding as we look at when to pray and when to say.  We’ll examine the primary word for ask and see what else it implies as we look to scripture to direct us.  And we will see that we can command in Jesus name, just as we are to ask of the Father in Jesus name.



11-Possessing What is Mine

When Caleb told Joshua to “give me this mountain” knowing it was ‘his mountain,’ do you think it was the last time he made such a declaration?   Scripture doesn’t tell us that answer but based on his previous commitment to declare the Word of the Lord concerning him, I believe he kept on saying IT IS MY MOUNTAIN!

Speaking it is a key way we bring our possessions from the spiritual realm into this physical realm in which we dwell!

Learn the power of our spoken words as we possess what is ours!


12-Speaking Words of Spirit and Life

The Father spoke Words that carried power and the world we dwell in was created.  Jesus spoke words with power and miracles occurred.

Jesus also gave us insight into why His words were so powerful as He stated, “My words are spirit and are life.”

So, if I am to be a disciple, one who acts and speaks as Jesus did, what must my words be?

Is this possible?  Jesus said I could do the same works.   Learn with us how we can determine if our words are truly spirit and life.


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