Home Series Forgiving Others as Jesus Forgave Me

Forgiving Others as Jesus Forgave Me

Forgiving Others as Jesus Forgave Me

Scripture instructs us in multiple verses that we are to forgive others as Jesus forgave us.  We read those but do we really appreciate what a great gift has been given to us, that of forgiving others.  And you may be thinking, what does this have to do with Healing?  In fact, it has a great deal to do with healing!

As we study in these sessions together, we will learn that it is the same power at work in healing AND in forgiving.

Both were accomplished in the same act that purchased our redemption.

We will elevate our perspective of the great importance of forgiving others, using the love that has been placed in us, the anointed Word that builds our faith, allowing us to act in faith forgiving those who have sinned against us!

There is great value in this act, for both me and for the one whom I forgive!

In This Series
01-Forgiving Others as Jesus Forgave Me
Have you ever examined what Jesus said to His disciples immediately after they were born again and received the Holy Spirit?  What would you have instructed them or someone today?  Maybe it would be to walk in Love, or get into God’s Word to renew your mind, or maybe to be bold and act on your faith!  All are great suggestions but none of these were what He spoke to them.

In this session, we will examine what Jesus saw as most important for them, His first instruction to those who were born again at His Word.  We will then look at the impact on us as we receive His forgiveness, what He accomplished and gave to us!  And then we will see how we and others are impacted as we imitate the Master, forgiving as He forgave.

What a great gift we have been given!


02-Release the Debt, Release Healing

Can unforgiveness impede our receiving the healing Jesus provided?

Let’s look to the word for that answer.  Have you ever been tormented to the point that you have lost sleep, seen anger and anxiety come and remain, or you begin to have uncontrollable fear?

In this study, we will learn that Jesus instructs us to forgive as unforgiveness will turn us over to the tormenter of our soul!  We will also see that unforgiveness must be dealt with quickly or it will extend its roots of bitterness deep within us!

Forgiveness keeps us from the tormentors!


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