Home Series Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE

Father Doesn't Just Have Love, HE IS LOVEThe Lord speaks to the prophet Jeremiah and makes a remarkable statement; “I have loved you with an everlasting love!”  For many, that seems impossible as we see so many people falling in and out of love over and over again.  He goes on to declare, “Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”  Drawing us to Himself by the kindness or we might say goodness of His love.

We might conclude, He sure has a lot of love!  And while that might sound correct, the fact is God just doesn’t possess love; HE IS LOVE!  That is who HE is!!   And it is from that very core of His being, His nature of love that His power has redeemed us!

Thus, as we have completed our study of POWER THAT MAKES POSSIBLE, we too need to make certain that we have “KNOWN AND BELIEVED His love” that resides in us!  It is through that very love of God that His power will flow to and through us as we love, just as He has loved us!

Learn with us the characteristics of that eternal love that we have been instructed to manifest to others!  It is through that love that others will know that we are His disciples!

In This Series
01-The Flow of God's Love

God is LOVE; He doesn’t possess or have love, that is WHO HE IS!  And He has created each of us for His pleasure; to have a loving relationship with Him.

We have been created and loved by LOVE HIMSELF!

And that very nature of LOVE, God’s kind of LOVE dwells in each believer!  As such, we who are new creations (believers), are expected to walk in that same love toward others, just as Jesus did.

As Jesus said that we would do the same and greater works as He Himself did, we must understand that this flow of His power through us BEGINS AS WE LOVE!  His love brought the power of redemption!

All we have and all we desire to shine forth toward others FLOWS THROUGH THAT SAME LOVE!


02-Serving Those Whom You Prefer

Scripture teaches us that love in action prefers his brother.  We are also told that Jesus came TO SERVE and not to be served.

As you hear these instructions of the Lord, have you ever wondered how you could live a fulfilled life and not have your thoughts consumed on what you want and need?

In truth, we will learn that as we prefer and serve others, we can have our needs and desires met; and walk in GREAT JOY as we live our life!

If that seems contradictory to you, then this study is for you!

Learn how He came to serve and set an example for each of us.  Recognize that on the cross Jesus made a choice to prefer you and completed His assignment!

We can prefer and serve as He did!



We often hear people talking about sacrificing, suffering and laying down their life.  And each is scriptural.  But what does the Word really teach us about each of these?

Sacrifices in scripture literally involve the death of something.  What should I expect to suffer?  Is there wrong suffering?  And maybe you wonder how do I lay down my life?

Each of these and much more will be addressed in this teaching!  Just keep in mind, WHO BENEFITS as it relates to each of these three!


04-Love Forgives

When you think about what Jesus said about sin, is your first thought on “forgiving seventy times seven?”  Have you ever considered Jesus’s first words to the disciples following their being born again?  How does my forgiving impact me, the one I forgive, and can it impact others as well?

In this session, we will see that FORGIVENESS is a Kingdom Principle.  More importantly, you will see that we are forgiven by God because of His love for us.  As such, we too should forgive just as Father forgives; we have been given the ability to do exactly that!

The impact of your forgiving can impact well beyond just those directly involved!


05-Forgiving Myself as His Love Forgives

After asking the Lord to forgive you, have you ever had trouble forgiving yourself?  Maybe for something that happened recently or even a miss that happened long ago continues to raise its ugly head?  Many people have encountered this situation often causing them to experience condemnation!   This ought not to be so!

The enemy of our soul is up to his schemes of deceit in an attempt to keep you bound tightly in condemnation!  We often need to forgive ourselves, and then experience this condemnation just falling away!

Study with us to see the enemy’s plan, learn how to walk in the fulness of the forgiveness that is ours and leave condemnation behind.


06-Love Covers

It sometimes seems as one missteps, does wrong or sins, from days gone by are now making headlines in the news.  It is almost as if we are saying every sin one has committed should continue to be made public and held against them.  But there is no scripture to support that; in fact, scripture teaches us just the opposite.

Study with us as we learn what the scripture means when it says, “love covers a multitude of sin.”  Learn what our responsibility as a believer in Jesus should be toward others who believe and yet miss the mark, sin.


07-Love Judges Not

In preparing for this study, I began to think if there is one phrase I have heard people say concerning judging others; it is simply “Oh I’m not judging!”   And as I found scripture after scripture on this subject, I thought why did Holy Spirit put so many verses in the Bible on this subject?

Simply stated, it is because His body of believers judges each other too often!

In this study, we will examine what the Word states concerning judging and see exactly how and what we are to judge.  So much to learn and do in this area!


Today’s study will examine three areas of LOVE’S ACTIONS.

  1. Love Does No Harm    Is it really possible to do no harm or wrong to anyone?  Must be possible; scripture clearly states this as a fact!  To do this also means we must control our tongue.
  2. Love Tenderly Cares For Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:7 says that we are to care for each other as a nursing mother TENDERLY CARES FOR her child!  Have you ever thought that this is exactly how the Father cares for you?
  3. Love Rejoices       Have you ever been in a situation where a fellow believer received something that you too were believing for?  We all have!  How did you react, with a heart rejoicing for my brother or sister OR with a focus on myself asking WHY NOT ME!


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