Home Series Established on The Firm Foundation

Established on The Firm Foundation

Established on The Firm Fountation
Established on The Firm FoundationThere are certain Biblical truths on which all believers should be grounded, established.  Too often, we hear them taught and quickly move on to other truths; either never being grounded or never being maintained.  However, Peter states twice in his second epistle (my paraphrase), “it is right (good) to be stirred up by way of reminder.”

As I prayed about our next series, this is exactly what the Lord placed in my heart:  “It is time to review basic foundations.”  Thus, this study will focus on a number of foundational truths that we must know; revelations that are essential for our walk as His disciples.

To name just a few:

  • The integrity of God’s Word
  • Redemption
  • Righteousness
  • In Him Realities
  • Renewing our Minds.

Knowing these truths will position us to joyously receive His unending grace and the many promises enumerated in the Word.  We will spend several sessions on such gifts of grace such as faith, peace, joy and healing, and several others.

One of my favorites Psalms is Psalms 112 which describes a person who delights in His Word.  He is righteous, will never be shaken, not fearing evil tidings and his heart is steadfast as he trusts in the Lord.

He is the one whose heart is established.

This Psalm should be describing you and me, today!

In This Series
01-Jehovah - His Heart, His Word, His Man

When you think about God, what comes to mind?

  • Do you think first about Who He really is?
  • Or maybe about His Name or about the Bible, His Word.
  • Perhaps you wonder what He is like, His nature, His attitude toward mankind or more importantly toward you.
  • Maybe you wonder how you fit in the scheme of things.

This session will address the basics of many of these thoughts.  We will gain an understanding of His Name and how His Name reveals His very nature, who He really is; in other words, the Heart of God. 

You will see how it is impossible to separate His person from His Name and His Word and therefore have absolute trust in His Word.

We will also examine His Father-heart toward all mankind, not just His only begotten son.  You are the reason for creation. 

It’s all about His love for you.



After the fall of man in Genesis 3, man found himself without God and with no hope (Ephesians 3:12).  Mankind was legally bound under the dominion of sin in the kingdom of darkness.

But God – He had a plan – man’s redemption. 

This session examines the cause of our need for a Redeemer, a mediator, one standing between God and man.  We will examine the incarnate birth of Jesus, fully God and fully man.  We will see that the object of that birth was the redemption of man, a legal transaction to ransom man from the slavery of sin.

Our redemption is complete, Jesus obtained it for us.  It is an eternal redemption as well.  And finally, it is operative in us today!


03-My New Birth and My New Identity

Jesus instructs man that we “must be born again.”  The Word says we become a new creation, one that never before existed.

Born again in His image!

Unfortunately, many don’t realize that we have been “born from above,” now having a new spirit man which is created in His image.  Joined in that spirit with the Holy Spirit, carrying in us the identity of Jesus, today.

As He is, so are we in the earth, today!!


04-In Him Realities

From the beginning of creation, God promised man that He would BE FOR him and BE WITH him.  He worked many mighty works through those whom He chose to use.  Today, this is still His desire, FOR US and WITH US.

But today, there is much more.

For after Jesus’s cross and resurrection, He is also IN US! 

What more might be accomplished with Him living in you and me who believe in Him?

For me, this is the pinnacle of His grace, that He, in all His fulness, would choose to dwell in the earthly temple, His born-again man and woman!

There is so much more that comes with this indwelling that all believers need to know and to walk in.  In this session, we will study a number of these IN HIM REALITIES.


05-Sonship and It's Authority
We see in God’s Word that we have been made “sons of God” and can even call out to Him as “Abba (Daddy), Father.”  We read in 1st Peter that we are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people;” but do we really understand what that means and what it provides to us, today?

Look at the attention, in His sight, that is accorded to His sons.  In Exodus 4:22 Moses is instructed to say to Pharaoh “…Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:… Let my son go.”  This is a prophetic view of how He sees us; why He sent Jesus for us.

Learn more about sonship and the authority that His sons have been given here on the earth.

We are to enforce the Victory of Jesus on the earth, as His sons.  



Scripture tells us four times that “the just shall live by faith.”  Faith is not a religion or denomination but is the way we receive everything from God.  It is required to please Him!

Living by faith means we put our absolute trust in our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and the Word. 

Faith is real and is the substance of what we hope for, the evidence of what we see.

Bible hope is not wishing but a confident expectation that what the Word tells us is truth.  Our hope is not just based on the Word but the One who is the Word, Jesus.

He is our living hope, today and in the world to come.

Healing is not just one of the redemptive names of God but is also His will for His people.  Jesus was the exact representation of the Father and everything Jesus did reveals the Father’s will for us.

We need to be well established in these foundational truths.


07-Peace and Prosperity

Jesus told His disciples “Let not your heart be troubled.”  Moments later He gave them the key to that command, “My peace I give to you.” 

Do we understand all that having His peace really means? 

For many, it is simply the absence of conflict.  While in truth, it is the ability to face conflict or attack without allowing your heart to be troubled.  It is part of His strong foundation that is provided to us.

The Bible teaches that the Lord “delights in the prosperity of His people.”  Yet there are many who would fight to defend their stance against this His Word.  Learn in this session what Biblical prosperity means and see the Lord’s purpose in delighting in our prosperity.


08-Oh The Blood

All that is included in our redemption is based on the cross of Jesus and the blood He shed.  Revelation 12: 11 instructs us that we “overcome by the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of our testimony.”  Without His blood, there is no context for our words to possess the power and authority that enables us to overcome.

Our life is identified with His life through His shed blood. 

Our entry into the New Covenant is because of His blood.  Healing belongs to us through the blood flowing from the stripes on His back.  Our fellowship with Jesus and the Father comes because we can enter boldly into His presence by the blood of Jesus.

By His shed blood and our declaration of what the blood has accomplished and provided to us, we enforce His victory and become more than conquerors!


09-The Fellowship of Prayer

James 5: 16 instructs us that “the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” 

When you read this verse, what do you see?

  • Do you see yourself in it? 
  • Or do you see it describing someone else instead of you? 

As we read this verse as a believer, we should be shouting, “THAT IS ME.”  Sadly, many believers would say I sure wish that it was me, but it is not.

We must be established on the foundation that my prayers bring joy to the Lord and that His ear is attuned to me.  Our prayers are to be effective, producing the desired result.

This session will begin to establish us on the foundation that God wants my prayers answered.

He is my good, loving God.


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