Home Series Effective Prayers and Pray-ers

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers

Effective Prayers and Pray-ers

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”   James 5:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Powerful.  Effective.  In God’s Word, we certainly see many prayers that were effective in bringing great power on the scene.  Effective prayers caused the sun to stand still, the dead to be raised, wars won without directly engaging the enemy in battle, chains loosed from prisoners and angels coming to escort them from secure prisons.

Yet for many in the Body of Christ today, effective and powerful would not be the words used to describe our prayers nor our prayer life.  Today, more than at any other period in man’s history, we need effective and powerful prayers and pray-ers.

This study will look into His Word at scriptural principles and precepts which we can apply to our personal lives and to our prayers so that we can be conformed to Jesus’ image (Romans 8:29) and receive the results that He said we could.

Martha spoke to Jesus in John 11:22 says, “Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.” SELAH

In This Series
01-Is This Me?

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”  James 5:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Have you ever said or thought, “I wish that this verse described me!”   Or have you compared yourself to another and thought I wish I could get the results they do?  Don’t condemn yourself nor get discouraged.

In fact, don’t compare yourselves to others as Jesus is our standard.  Now you are thinking that there is no way I can get results as He did.  Those are not His words about you.

Jesus tells us that His disciples will get the results that He did. Learn the relationship to fellowship with the Lord and answered prayer.

Answered prayer was not man’s idea, but God’s idea for man.


02-An Ambassador to Do His Will

If I am His ambassador here on the earth, should I be more concerned about pursuing my will or His will?   More than likely, the answer to this question is also reflected during our times of prayer!

We are His ambassadors on the earth today, just as He was the Father’s ambassador on the earth 2000 years ago. We are to re-present Jesus just as he represented the Father.

Prayer should be as natural to us as it was with Jesus. Just as branches don’t struggle to grow, neither should we as we pursue the fellowship of the Father in prayer.

We are here to do His will. Here am I Lord, send me!


03-Love - The Foundation Prayer

What was the context of Jesus’s first reference to prayer?

  • Love
  • Love your neighbor
  • Love your enemy and pray for them!

As a son of God, my prayers should reflect the very nature of my Father, just as Jesus did in His prayer.  It begins with our union, be one with Him IN LOVE.

Learn how we pray to Love, in Love, in Love’s will, and in the Name of Love.  When we pray as Jesus did, then we will receive all that LOVE has purchased for us.

Love is THE FOUNDATION of a faith-filled prayer.


04-An Effective Prayer - Part One

What is an effective prayer?  Where would I look to find out what is an effective prayer?  The answer is simple, look to Jesus.

In today’s study, we will examine what Jesus taught concerning prayer and how to pray.

  • The prayer of faith
  • The model prayer: Our Father


05-An Effective Prayer - Part Two

What is an effective prayer?  Where would I look to find out what is an effective prayer?  The answer is simple, look to Jesus.

In today’s study, we will examine what Jesus taught concerning prayer and how to pray.  From the model prayer:

  • Who art in Heaven
  • Hallowed be Thy Name
  • Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven
  • Give us this day our daily bread
  • Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors


06-An Effective Prayer - Part Three

What is an effective prayer?  Where would I look to find out what is an effective prayer?  The answer is simple, look to Jesus.

In today’s study, we will examine what Jesus taught concerning prayer and how to pray.  From the model prayer:

  • Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
  • For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever

We will also look at what Jesus taught about:

  • In My Name
  • Closing prayers 
  • A lifestyle of prayer


07-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part One

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others.  The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Paul’s prayer in Philemon and Colossians 1
  • The Prayer of Commitment


08-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part Two

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others.  The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1


09-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part Three

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others.  The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Ephesians 3
  • Prayer of Faith, Petition and Requesting


10-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part Four

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others.  The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Part 2 of Prayer of Faith, Petition and Requesting
  • To Say or To Prayer


11-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part Five

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others. The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Prayer of supplication


12-Prayer and Prayer Types in New Testament - Part Six

The Word of God provides us a number of prayer examples in the epistles that we should pray over ourselves and others.  The Holy Spirit also provides us with different types of prayer that we should offer to the Lord.

In this study, we will examine:

  • Prayer of Intercession
  • Praying IF IT BE THY WILL


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