Home Series Covenant Power Toward Me

Covenant Power Toward Me

Covenant Power Toward Me

Covenant Power Toward MeGod’s covenant promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be set free from the Egyptian bondage; it was His covenant power that brought about their deliverance.   The earth and the heavens were created as the Lord spoke them into existence. And Hebrews tells us that all things are upheld “by the word of His power.”

And in each case, those words of power are toward, or for the benefit of mankind, those created to fellowship with the Lord.  We are told in 1 Peter that even today we are “kept by the power of God through faith.”

In this study, we will see His healing power toward us as He sent His Word to heal AND in the love feast, the communion meal in which we partake.

In This Series
01-He Sent His Word and Healed Them

Paul tells the Corinthians that their faith should not rest on man’s wisdom, but on the POWER OF GOD!  Just as Genesis speaks of “And God said” and all we see came to be, that same power is active as scripture declares that “He sent His Word and healed them.”

Healing power came to us in the Word made flesh, Jesus AND in this declaration that His WORDS contain that same healing power.


02-Healing Power in the Communion Meal

Last week we saw how the Lord’s POWER can come through a word spoken, or we might say a word sent.   In this session, we will see how His POWER comes to us for healing through the Communion Meal.

We will examine where our focus should be, or better said on WHOM our focus should be toward as we prepare and partake of His body and blood.  We will also see Jesus and ourselves as we examine the PASSOVER meal, which Jesus shared with His disciples just before the cross.


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