Home Series Covenant Confidence

Covenant Confidence

Covenant Confidence
Covenant Confidence

Scripture assures us that we can have absolute confidence in covenant promises that the Lord makes with His people.  In Psalms 89: 34 He states, My covenant I will not break, Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.”

Yet because the concept of “covenant” is not fully appreciated by many Christians, they are not able to perceive His absolute intent to deliver on His Covenant words.  Additionally, we do not appreciate the vastness of the Hebrew word Hesed with is often used in conjunction with covenant.  This word is most often described as mercy or lovingkindness but includes many other elements of His love, covenant love toward us.

This study of God’s Word will increase our faith in His covenant and His ability to deliver on what He has declared.

It is time for us to receive ALL that the blood of Jesus purchased for us.

In This Series
01-My Covenant of Healing

This session will focus on God’s Covenant promise of healing to the body of Christ today.  We will see that not only have we been redeemed from sin, but from the impact of that sin on our body.  We will learn that our Father of mercies has provided healing for our body and our soul!

We will explore the basics of covenant and see how His lovingkindness and mercy impacts our covenant relationship with our Father.

We have been crowned with His lovingkindness (hesed) and included in that covenant promise is both forgiveness of sins and healing.

We will examine several instances where individuals cried out in faith to Jesus looking for that covenant promise of healing mercy.  Each time, they received that for which they asked and believed!

Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!


02-My Covenant Anointing
As believers, we are no longer to be without hope, God or His covenants of promise.  Yet when we are inundated with bad news, predictions that are dire and even warnings that the worst is to come, we may be tempted to see our hope wane if we focus only on such news.

However, we are NEVER to be without hope.

Scripture promises us that we can always hope and trust in His MERCY (chesed.)  In fact, we possess His covenant promise of the Holy Spirit; He has anointed us.  This fact alone also gives us hope as the anointing of God provides all we will ever need.

Learn how to value His anointing and obtain all that is necessary for a life full of the blessing!  The Lord is good, and His mercy is everlasting.


03-His Covenant Compassion

In the 34th chapter of Exodus, we see the Lord proclaiming concerning Himself that He abounds in lovingkindness or mercy (chesed) and associates compassion as the first item in this list.  In the Hebrew language, one word is translated both mercy and compassion, indicating that these words could be viewed as synonyms.   Thus, COMPASSION can be viewed as a key element in chesed, His covenant love for us.

Why is this important for believers today? 

In this study, we will see how compassion, just like the word mercy and lovingkindness, doesn’t just describe what God can or might do. They indicate what He longs to do, what he yearns to do, what His passion is TOWARD YOU AND ME!

Over and over again as Jesus was moved with compassion healings occurred.  This covenant compassion is available today for you, and that same power is released for healing!


04-Covenant Faithful
We have a promise in Psalms 89: 33 where the Lord declares, “I will not break off My lovingkindness from him, Nor deal falsely in My faithfulness.”  This promise was spoken to David but the One who changes not views this statement as being spoken directly to YOU.

Thus, we can expect He will be FAITHFUL in His promise of being The Lord, our Healer. He is faithful when we are not.  And His promise of being faithful is described in Hebrews 13: 5 in the Complete Jewish Bible in this manner, “I will not, I will not cease to sustain and uphold you.  I will not, I will not, I will not let you down.”

Jehovah Rapha, MY HEALER.


05-Jesus, My Covenant Confidence

Have you ever started on a faith journey to receive healing and started to sense your hope and/or faith to wane? 

It would not be uncommon to respond yes to this question.  If you need encouragement in this area, this session is for you.

We will examine four individuals in the Old Testament who experienced or were tempted to experience such a change in their faith.  We will see how they sustained their faith and how the Lord came to their assistance in restoring their faith.

See how important it is to be founded on His Word and to identify and walk in the righteousness given to you.  We are part of a covenant where the BLESSING of the Lord is the main driver, not judgment.


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