Home Series Covenant Authority

Covenant Authority

Covenant Authority

Covenant Authority

Scripture clearly instructs us that the entire basis of our salvation and all that salvation encompasses (our covenant promises) is in the New Covenant in Jesus’ blood.  We are also taught that as believers in Jesus we have been given authority to act on His behalf in this world today.

Yet because the concept of “covenant” is not fully appreciated by many Christians, they are not able to perceive the immense value and personal benefit of walking in this covenant relationship with the Lord.  And in so doing, they have little to no appreciation of the authority that is ascribed to us as believers, on behalf of Jesus.

This study will combine a study of covenant and authority to enable us to walk by faith in an increased revelation of both our covenant rights and privileges including the authority of the believer.

The book of Ephesians tells us to remember the time when we were separated from Christ and strangers to the covenants of promise.  It is now time for us to fully recognize the fulness of what our covenant provides and take our rightful roll in His kingdom, executing our authority on His behalf.  He shed blood for our New Covenant, and it is time for us to rule and reign in Him in the earth today.

In This Series
01-In Covenant, In Authority

In Luke 7, a Roman centurion who has heard about Jesus asks Jewish leaders to see if Jesus would come and heal His servant.  What do you think He heard concerning Jesus?  That everyone who came to Jesus was healed, or maybe that Jesus would just say words to a person, and they were healed  I suspect both!!

This man recognized that Jesus’s words carried authority, something he knew as a Centurion.  He knew how a system of authority worked!  He was in authority and he was submitted to authority; just as Jesus was submitted to His Covenant with His Father and knew the authority He carried.

We too as believers are in covenant and are to operate in His delegated authority.  Learn how to speak as David did, confident and bold in Covenant Authority.


02-Cutting Covenant With God

Can you imagine being in Abram’s sandals and asking a simple question and suddenly finding yourself cutting covenant with the LORD God of the universe?  But because Abram understood covenant, he acted on what he was told!

As believers, we too have had a covenant encounter with the Lord, yet I often wonder how much we really appreciate the significance of a covenant.  Do we understand the covenant exchanges, the promises and especially the Lord’s faithful commitment to it as did Abraham?

In this session, we will explore covenant from both the Lord and Abraham’s perspective as we behold the establishment of His covenant with Abraham, an act of His lovingkindness (chesed.)


03-Covenant Love

Psalm 107 begins with Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” (NASB) In other translations “lovingkindness” may be translated mercy;  in the Hebrew language the word is “chesed.”  I believe that this word holds the key for us to fully understand and walk in His covenant promises.

The same ends in verse 43 declaring Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things; And consider the lovingkindnesses of the LORD.”  The Amplified Bible says “we should DILIGENTLY consider” chesed.

This is our charge from the Lord in this session, to gain revelation on the linkage between His chesed and covenant.  In doing so, I believe we will position ourselves to walk in more of the fulness of His covenant promises.

The Lord is good and His CHESED endures forever!!


04-Covenant and Hesed Working for Me
Can we call upon the mercy of the Lord?  Can we expect Him to act on His covenant promises?  What basis do we have to believe such?  The answer is clear.

“For He is good, for His mercies (chesed) endure forever.” 

In Psalms 89:28 the LORD declares, “My lovingkindness (chesed) I will keep for him forever, and My covenant will be confirmed to him.”  We have His Word, His covenant love and the blood of His Son Jesus that seals this covenant.  There is no great one to validate it.

Not only does He harken to our calls for chesed, but He is constantly pursuing us to demonstrate His goodness for us and through us.  We have an eternal covenant with the God of the Universe.  It is “sure mercies.”


05-Seeing Myself in His Covenant

Do you see yourself in a covenant relationship with God? 

Do you see His chesed at work in your life? 

If you have any doubts that you walk fully in covenant with the Lord, this teaching is for you.

This session explores the covenant between two Godly men who committed themselves to each other, even when it might cost them something.  The covenant between Jonathon and David offers us insight into the covenant in which we participate, the covenant between the Father and Jesus to which we also belong.

We will examine covenant at work in the life of Jonathon and see how David continued that covenant for his family even after his death.  We will see ourselves as David brings Jonathon’s son, who is unable to offer anything to David, into the covenant not as a servant but as a son.  Just as we also have been included.


06-My New and Better Covenant - Part One

In the 49th Chapter of Isaiah the Father is speaking to His Only Begotten Son and says, “I will… give you for a covenant to the people.”   Think about that, Jesus was given to you and me as a covenant!

He is our New Covenant! 

We have it better in every way when compare to the Old Covenant of the Law!

This session will examine our New Covenant and see how much better it is with respect to its doing away with our sin, our being made righteous, the gift of Holy Spirit and becoming part of the family of God!


07-My New and Better covenant - Part Two

In the 49th Chapter of Isaiah the Father is speaking to His Only Begotten Son and says, “I will… give you for a covenant to the people.”   Think about that, Jesus was given to you and me as a covenant!

He is our New Covenant!

We have it better in every way when compared to the Old Covenant of the Law!

This session will examine our New Covenant and see how much better it is with respect to the current ministry of Jesus and our role as Kings and Priest.  We will begin to study our Covenant Authority as the ones called out to rule and exercise authority!

It is our time to let His light shine!


08-Called Out to Rule

Do we as believers understand and value the authority given to us? 

Jesus tells us in Matthew 16 that His kingdom will be founded on THE ROCK.  He then refers to us as the ekklesia.  This word was used to describe those who were selected and called out to rule in Greece.  This is the word Jesus uses when He is referring to us, His church.

We will learn exactly what this rock is and how we as His Body on the earth are to walk in His authority.  The enemy of our soul wants man to believe that a church is a building, or just an organization; anything but a force to challenge darkness.  Learn with us how are to be founded on the rock and walking in His authority.


09-Relationship and Authority

Does man have the authority on the earth today to implement God’s justice on the earth?

It was God’s desire from creation forward to have man execute God’s will and authority on this earth.  Adam forfeited this right as he aligned himself with the devil and as he disobeyed God and sinned.


He had a plan and through Jesus, we were transferred from the dominion of satan and sin to the Kingdom of God!!  GLORY!!

As we had our relationship restored with our Creator, we also regained the authority that had been lost!!  Our relationship with the Lord provides us the authority to implement His justice, stop what is evil and begin that which is good!  This is His plan for us on the earth today!


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