Home Series Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart

The Children of Israel left Egypt boldly, with a high hand says one translation!  The Lord had amazingly delivered them just as He spoke He would.  But when the Egyptians pursued them, their heart melted, and all the words of the Lord left their lips.   When they crossed the Red Sea per His Word, they celebrated with a song of victory.  Three days later, they despaired.

However, Caleb, for 45 years kept the Word of the Lord in His heart and each time He spoke, He spoke with great faith what the Lord had said.  I believe that word grew stronger and stronger in Him with each passing year.  And he received all the Lord spoke concerning Him.

Caleb recounted, I brought forth the word of the Lord as I had it in my heart.   That Word produced faith and trust!  That word produced life.

His Word in my mouth can do the same for me!

In This Series
01-Declaring HIS Word

Genesis 1 records the phrase, “And God said,” 7 times in the first chapter; and we know that is how He created the world.  This same chapter also tells us as men and women that we were created in His image, and as we accept Jesus, made new in our spirit.

As a man, Jesus stated, “The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life.”  So, what does this imply for you and me?  God’s words are not powerful because they are LARGE sound waves, they are powerful because they are SPIRIT!

There is great power when we, His children, speak His word in Faith.

Caleb declared that he “brought the word back as it was in his heard.”  That word, which God first spoke, carried the power to lead him to receive his portion of the promised land.  Learn how we too can overcome as we declare the word of the Lord.


02-I Am Not a Parrot

A trap of the enemy is convincing us that our words do not really matter.  Like a parrot, we will often speak everything we hear.

Yet the Word instructs us that we should not voice words unless we want them to come to us.  Proverbs tells us clearly that we can be snared by the words of our mouth.  Solomon also instructs us (using the NLT) that the babbling of a fool invites disaster.

When we declare His Words in FAITH, the devil has no power nor authority to prohibit those words from coming to pass!  See how God changes and trains His people by focusing on their mouths.


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