Home Series Being Led by His Spirit

Being Led by His Spirit

Being Led by His Spirit

Proverbs 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord…”

This indicates that He will enlighten us, guide us, and give us direction through our spirit.

In the Old Testament, men would seek out a prophet or put out a fleece like Gideon when they needed God’s direction. Sometimes they would just examine all the alternatives through their own intellect and then make a decision.

In our New Covenant, the Lord has placed His Holy Spirit inside the spirit of each believer; however, most people continue to seek out someone else to hear God for them.  They want a person who will provide direction for them.  Many use their own mental powers to reason out a direction, and still, others seek a sign such as an open or closed door to show them which way to go or what decision to make.

Yet nowhere in the New Testament are we instructed to be led by our physical or mental senses or to seek men for guidanceRomans 8:14 clearly indicates we are to be led by the Spirit of God saying, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

Together we will study God’s Word for His instruction on how to be led by Him.

In This Series
01-Who is Leading Me?

Can you imagine being led by someone that you don’t know, don’t trust, and can’t be sure they have your best interest at heart?  The most important point of being led is knowing and having confidence in the one who leads us.  It is key that we know the person of the Holy Spirit is the one we are following.

We are not driven like cattle but led gently through life by the One who indwells us.  He is there to show us the way in which we should go.  He has seen my future and knows how to guide me to the right place at the right time.

Don’t look around for direction, look inside.


02-Who Are You Holy Spirit?

Can you imagine being led by Jesus Himself as the disciples were?  Do you believe that having Jesus here to lead us would be the best way to be led through life?  If so, it is time to rejoice as that is exactly who we have leading us – one just like Jesus, the person of the Holy Spirit.

What does the scripture tell us about this person of the God-head?  Is He really just like having Jesus with me?  How do I get to know Him, to fellowship with Him, as the disciples did with Jesus?  Can I really hear His voice?

The answers to these few questions and much more will be addressed in this study.

Learn to see Him as your best friend!


03-My Sheep Hear My Voice

The 10th chapter of John tells us four times that My sheep hear My voice.”  Yet many will say I can’t ever hear Him talk to me?  WHICH IS RIGHT?  Do we believe what we have experienced or what God’s Word says?

In this session, we will learn how we hear the voice of the Lord form the Holy Spirit who dwells in our spirit.  We will identify those items which make it more difficult to hear Him and learn how to make corrections in our life to improve our ability to hear.



04-How He Speaks to Me

Once we decide by Faith in His Word that we can hear His voice, we need to learn how He speaks to us.  Will it always be by an audible voice, or some act or some spectacular guidance?

We will together study the different ways that the Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit.  We will learn to identify His “voice” and know when it is He ministering life and peace to us.

What the Holy Spirit speaks to us will always be in line with God’s Word.

We will also learn how our enemy works to confuse and mislead to keep him ministering darkness and death to us.

Light always triumphs over darkness.


05-Learn as He speaks to Others - Part One

The Word gives us many examples of God’s men and women who were led, guided and directed by the Holy Spirit.  The examples are recorded for our benefit so that we may learn how they knew or discerned to respond to His different ways of leading us.

We will study being led by His Word, by the inward witness, and by the inward voice.

Learn how to identify LIFE and PEACE in these areas.


06-Learn as he Speaks to Other - Part Two

The Word gives us many examples of God’s men and women who were led, guided and directed by the Holy Spirit.  The examples are recorded for our benefit so that we may learn how they knew or discerned to respond to His different ways of leading us.

We will study being led by The Voice of the Holy Spirit and by His more spectacular guidance of visions, trances, angels and His audible voice.

Learn how to identify LIFE and PEACE in these areas.


07-Faith to Act
Have you ever prayed for guidance and knew it was from the heart of God but did not have the confidence to proceed as instructed?  You are not alone.

It does little good to hear, know what to do if we don’t have the faith to act.

You cannot separate FAITH to act from BEING LED.

We must act on faith and not be taken captive and be led by the flesh.


08-Ready to Step Out

Think about what we have learned. We must start out expecting to be led by the Lord.  We learn to identify life and peace to discern His direction for our life.  Next, we must have faith to yield to the Spirit and act on what we have been instructed.

When tested, we hold fast in faith to what He has told us.  In doing these, we do exactly what He said and don’t vary from it.

The life of a true disciple is a continuum of walking (led by the Holy Spirit) in these steps.

It is an exciting and fulfilling life in the Lord.


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