Home Series Being Found Diligent

Being Found Diligent

Being Found Diligent

The Way of DiligenceWhen you are told that you need to be diligent in a matter, what comes to your mind?

In God’s Word, we are told to be diligent to His Work, business, guarding our heart and a host of other items.  Yet our flesh and our mind will work against our quest for diligence.

Diligence is not something we do only in our flesh; it is a spiritual force that comes from our inner man.

We can pursue God with our WHOLE HEART and be found diligent in His eyes!

In This Series
01-The Command of Diligence

Diligence.  Is it a character trait that some possess, and others do not?

Where does Biblical diligence originate in a believer?

Is diligence a suggestion, or a command?

What does Bible diligence imply?

You may be surprised.  Join us in this study to see the answers to these and other questions.

02-I Would But...

Ever made a decision to diligently follow the Word of God yet something happens, and you fall short of your aspiration?

You have an enemy that will throw many obstacles in your pathway.

This session will identify two of the enemy’s tricks and how we might fight the good fight of faith to overcome them.


03-I Would But... - Part Two
As we saw last week the enemy will use your flesh to oppose your pursuing diligence.

In this session, we will see how procrastination can be used against us.

But most importantly today we will examine three areas that come from our heart, our spiritual being that holds us back. These are the real problems.


04-Diligently Serving the Master

How would you react if the Lord told you to be ready to go on a specific assignment?

And when He said ARISE and GO, would you be ready, or would you have to get ready?

Which group of the 10 bridesmaids would you identify with?


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