Home Series Acts of Faith

Acts of Faith

Acts of Faith

In the 5th Chapter of Mark’s Gospel account, Jesus tells Jairus, who just received a bad report, “Don’t fear, only believe.” 

Why would Jesus tell him “only believe?”  You could correctly say that it was critical for him to have faith that Jesus could and would heal his daughter.  But we need to see that Jesus told him to believe because He could!  Think about this….

This should be the natural response of every believer when we encounter the Lord and hear (or read) His Word.  This is what believers do.

We believe the Word of the Lord and act on what we are told.

James tells us that faith without corresponding action is dead, or non-productive.  Smith Wigglesworth was known to declare “FAITH IS AN ACT!”  It is how we are to live in His Kingdom.

High Point Church, Healing School, Macon, GA

In This Series
01-Acts of Faith - Part One
In the 12th chapter of Genesis the Lord encounters Abram and gives him instructions which Abram obeys. You might say Abram believed the Lord and acted on what he was told. He encountered the God of the Universe—how else could he possibly respond?

The natural response for us today as we receive instruction from the God of the universe should also be to believe and to act.

In this session, we will see how others responded to the word of the Lord, acting in faith to be obedient to His instruction!!

We too can walk pleasing to Him in the joy of our faith!


02 - Acts of Faith - Part Two
In Part One of this study, we examined individuals who received a command of the Lord and were quick to ACT.  They acted in faith on what they heard from the Lord.  In this session, we will look at 10 examples of individuals who were healed and how they ACTED on what they heard.

We too can receive the Word of the Lord, in His written Word and through the Holy Spirit.  We can also ACT to receive our healing, just as these individuals did.

This should also be our natural response today as we receive instruction from the God of the universe.

We too can walk pleasing to Him in the joy of our faith!


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