Home Series Abounding in Thanksgiving

Abounding in Thanksgiving

Abounding in Thanksgiving Series

What does being thankful mean to you?

Thanksgiving Defined

  • An expression of gratitude
  • An act of giving thanks

Does this thus imply that if we don’t take time to express our gratitude, then are we truly thankful?

We are told in scripture that we are to “abound in thanksgiving.”   Another translation says, “overflowing in thanksgiving.”   Our gratitude to the Father and His Son should lead us to offer sincere praise and worship for His goodness, His acts of kindness and His grace toward us.  Our life should be a constant display of our attitude of gratitude.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving…
In This Series
01-Being Thankful

Scripture tells us multiple times that our being thankful is a key element in our praising our God.  In fact, it says that we are to ABOUND in giving of thanks.  Yet for many, we may say we are thankful, but how often do we really voice that to friends, family and our God.

Thanksgiving requires an expression of our gratitude.


02-An Expression of Our Value

Mary expressed her gratitude to Jesus by anointing His feet with costly perfume.  The leper expressed his thanksgiving by returning to Jesus as he fell at His feet giving thanks.

Being ever thankful really reflects our love for Jesus.

Founded in His love and promises, we can begin giving thanks before we see the manifestation of our prayers.


03-Thankful for What You Have

Can I be thankful in everything?

Can I constantly give thanks as the Bible instructs? 

The answer is YES to both!  This teaching will teach you how and will show you why it is so important?


04-Guarding My Heart

Do you have trouble controlling your thoughts?  Abounding in thanksgiving place you in a position to do that.  See that glass half full and not half empty.


05-Thanksgiving and Grace

Do you want to see more grace in your life?  Being thankful and expressing it places us in a position to receive that increase.  Learn how giving thanks to the Lord impacts the flow of grace in your life.

Have an attitude of gratitude!


06-Be Humble

Humility is really BEING THANKFUL.  Humility or meekness is often seen as a weakness, but it actually is for the strong of heart.  Humility also brings more grace to you.


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