Home Series Abounding in Favor

Abounding in Favor

Abounding in Favor

Abounding in FavorDo you realize that your life is to be like a “BILLBOARD” tribute to God?  Throughout His relationship with His people, the LORD gave them great “favor” so that all men could clearly see His goodwill and love toward mankind!

Is that same type of favor available for us today as His children? 

Scripture tells us that He changes not; that He is the same today, yesterday, and forever!  From that alone, we can discern that it is His desire to continue to FAVOR His people.  In truth, He desires to ABUNDANTLY BLESS and FAVOR us.

Learn more about His favor toward mankind and see how you too can walk in an abundance of favor!

In This Series
01-The Favor of God

What is the favor of God?  Why is it that many believers go through their life thinking and saying, “nothing good ever happens for me?”

Yet scripture tells us that His favor surrounds us, covers us and that we can find His favor.

This session will establish a foundation for us concerning God’s favor toward us.

We can walk in the favor of God. 


02-His Favor is Upon Me

Are you a person who believes and may speak, “Nothing good ever happens to me?”  Or maybe “everybody but me gets a good break!”

Or do you know that God’s favor is upon you and there is an expectation of good coming to you?

No matter how you answer either of these questions this study is for you!

God’s word tells us clearly over and over that His goodness should be seen in us!  We are to be His billboard that displays His love for us!  See that for yourself in this study!


03-Must Know to Grow

Most everyone would say I want more favor from the Lord and man.  And they often ask, “How do I increase in favor?”  We learn from men and women in the scripture who saw AN ABUNDANCE OF FAVOR.

Through their lives, we can identify scriptural foundations that we can build upon to begin to position ourselves for an increase in favor.

Learn these with us as we study what we must know to grow.


04-Growing in His Favor

Most all who profess Jesus would say, “I want to increase in favor!”  Yet many don’t believe that they are qualified to do so.  “As a man thinks within Himself, so is he;” such thoughts disqualify them from increased favor.

Learn with us today several keys to increasing in the favor of God.  The scripture is very direct in what we must do to walk more fully in the favor of God.


05-Seeing His Favor Manifest - Part One

Are there benefits or value that we get from walking in the favor of God?  Absolutely!  In scripture, you can identify a number of ways that His favor impacts His people.

Today’s session will begin to look at a number of the ways we see His favor manifest.  Learn with us how His favor provides protection for those who seek Him!


06-Seeing His Favor Manifest - Part Two

Are there benefits or value that we get from walking in the favor of God?  Absolutely!  In scripture, you can identify a number of ways that His favor impacts His people.

Today’s session will begin to look at a number of the ways we see His favor manifest.  Learn with us how His favor for battles won and for restoration and recovery of what has been lost or stolen.


07-Seeing His Favor Manifest - Part Three

Are there benefits or value that we get from walking in the favor of God?  Absolutely!  In scripture, you can identify a number of ways that His favor impacts His people.

Today’s session will complete our look at the ways we see His favor manifest.  Learn with us how His favor for INCREASE, HONOR and APPROVAL of PETITIONS and LAWs flow to us.


08-Chosen to Be His Favored

Are you one who can say I have seen the favor of God in my life, but I would like to see more?  How can I position myself to increase in the favor of God?

These are great questions and exactly what today’s session will address!  We don’t earn God’s favor but there are areas of our lives that we can change to position us for increased favor!

Join us in this session to see what the word says about walking in “an abundance of favor.”


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