Home Peace


13 Jan 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 02-Guarded by Peace

Simply stated, Jesus is my peace. Yet Paul instructs us to practice what we have seen him do. In doing so, we will see the manifestation of the God of Peace in our lives and we will be guarded by peace!

Seems too simple but that is truth.

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06 Jan 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 01-Walking in the Way of Peace

Imagine how the disciples must have felt when Jesus began telling them that He would be leaving them. Yet this discourse started with “Let not your heart be troubled.” Jesus desires that in every circumstance we allow His Word to work in our heart and produce PEACE.

His Way is PEACE!

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18 Sep 2019

Step Out on His Word

Have you ever had a dream or vision and one day you stand looking at it beginning to manifest? Knowing now is time to step out of the boat, to step over that line or point of no return. How can we encourage ourselves in the Lord?

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