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03 Feb 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 05-Fear and My Value System

Many will tell you, “Just follow your heart.” And while it sounds like a good idea, it may not be so. What you value is where you will spend your time, attention and finances; that is what you treasure. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

What do you treasure?

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27 Jan 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 04-I Don’t Have to Fear

Why did Adam and Eve hide from God? Because they were afraid. But afraid of what? With their sin came both fear and condemnation.

But we have been made righteous in Christ Jesus. No fear, nor condemnation!

I don’t have to fear!

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20 Jan 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 03-His Peace Changes the Atmosphere

Jesus told His disciples “Let us go to the other side” as He instructed them to cross the sea of Galilee. When a storm arose and disciples feared for their lives, He was sleeping peacefully!

Can YOU sleep in any storm that life may bring?

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