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24 Feb 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 08-The Spirit of Fear? Not Me!

Scripture tells us that “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” So how does fear enter into us?

By a thought!

It is how we think and respond when evil thoughts are presented to us.

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17 Feb 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 07-Not Giving him a Chance

Psalm 27 tells us that we can and should have NO FEAR.

But to do this we must “renew the spirit of our mind!” And we can, thus no giving the devil a chance.

Learn with us how the enemy of our soul attacks us as we study his attacks on Eve, on Peter and on Jesus!


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10 Feb 2021

His Way is Peace – It is My Choice: 06-The Battle for My Soul

What and where is our biggest spiritual battle fought? I will give you a clue, it not some spiritual warfare in the heavenlies! It is between our ears…the battle for our mind; our thoughts, emotions and our will.

See how the Word of God enables us to win this battle.

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