Home Media Series


Hope Abounds in a Strong Spirit
Hope Abounds in a Strong SpiritAs I was traveling home from Florida the Lord spoke to me and said, “Hope abounds in a strong spirit.” Abounding hope, ever expectant. That is the way I want to live. Read more
Being Led by His Spirit
Being Led by His SpiritProverbs 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord…” This indicates that He will enlighten us, guide us, and give us direction through our spirit. In the Old Testament, men would seek out a prophet or put out a fleece like Gideon when they needed God’s direction. Romans 8:14 clearly indicates we are to be led by the Spirit of God saying, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”Read more
Effective Prayers and Pray-ers
Effective Prayers and Pray-ers“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:15 (Complete Jewish Bible) Powerful. Effective. In God’s Word, we certainly see many prayers that were effective in bringing great power on the scene. Yet for many in the Body of Christ today, effective and powerful would not be the words used to describe our prayers nor our prayer life. Today, more than at any other period in man’s history, we need effective and powerful prayers and pray-ers.Read more
Miracles - The Same and Greater
Miracles – The Same and GreaterHave you ever imagined what it was like watching Jesus, His disciples and those in the early church living and witnessing a lifestyle of God’s power working miracles through their hands? I began to ponder what it must have been like to walk in their sandals.Read more
Proven Armor
Proven ArmorEvery believer has experienced those times when tempted to believe James must have missed it when he said, "My brethren, count it all joy when you encounter various trials." The good news is that we are told that we are more than overcomers and we have been provided the spiritual armor that we need to stand against each of the onslaughts.Read more
Kingdom Authority
Kingdom AuthorityA police officer holding up their hand to stop the forward movement of a tractor-trailer truck heading toward them is a great example of an individual who has NO PHYSICAL POWER to stop such a vehicle. However, operating in their DELEGATED AUTHORITY the policeman’s uplifted hand will bring the truck to a standstill.Read more
The Power of My Words
The Power of MY WordsIn the 1st Chapter of Genesis, we see that God spoke and light was. Seven more times we see “Then God said…” and creation, including man, was complete. It is obvious that His Words contained great power!! Since I am created in His image and likeness, what does this imply about my words? Read more
Healing Miracles of Jesus - FOR TODAY
Healing Miracles of Jesus – FOR TODAYThe Book of John says that if all the miracles Jesus did were recorded, the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. (John 21:25) This raises the question what does this mean to us today? Are these types of miracles possible today? Absolutely.Read more
Hope Expects and Sees, Faith Sees and Receives
Hope Expects and Sees, Faith Sees and ReceivesHebrews 11:1 says that “Faith is the evidence of things hoped for…” while Romans, Galatians and Hebrews tell us that “the just shall live by faith.” Today, what many believe about hope and faith is very different from their Biblical definition. Read more
Jesus, My Redeemer and My Identity
Jesus – My Redeemer and My IdentityHow do you see yourself? Do you realize that how you see yourself is often based on what you believe and think about God? When Jesus was born, the angels came proclaiming GOOD NEWS, declaring that our Savior was born AND that God had declared peace between heaven and earth. Jesus is my Redeemer. This revelation should also be the basis of my identity!!Read more