Home Media Series


Living as an Overcomer
Living as an OvercomerWe are prone to see an overcomer as someone who has been a believer for a long time and has fought many battles. It’s God’s Spirit dwelling in you makes you an overcomer. It’s our time!Read more
Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruit of the SpiritFruit. More fruit. Much fruit. How can we possibly produce fruit in this manner? This is critical if we are to become useful to the Master.Read more
Faithful to His Promises
Faithful to His PromisesJoshua 21:45 says, “Not one of the good promises which the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” Is this our expectation of our Father today? Read more
Happening Faith
Happening FaithThe Bible gives us many examples of people coming to Jesus boldly. Why were they able to do that? Boldness is confidence in His Word, His Person. Read more
A Study of First John
A Study of First JohnA foundation of love and fellowship with the Lord can and should lead to a victorious life. We are overcomers and can walk in a life of obedience and victory. Read more
No Fear
No FearWe are told to FEAR NOT and that means we are to have no fear! Can I really do that? Read more
In Love as His Son
In Love as His SonAs a man thinks, so He is. You might say that what you think about yourself determines your own identity. Can you see yourself loved by the Father as a son? Read more
Fuliflled in His Presence
Fulfilled in His PresenceWe all want to hear from the Master, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” But we were first created for His pleasure, for His desire to have a family to love and to enjoy their fellowship. Read more
Under Authority - In Authority
Under Authority – In AuthorityWhen tests and trials come, we often focus on our faith in an effort to produce GREAT FAITH. It is important but it is not the main focus. It is about operating in the authority you have been given.Read more