Home Media Series


The Work of Holy Spirit in My Life
The Work of Holy Spirit in My LifeIn the days leading up to His crucifixion, Jesus told His disciples that He would be leaving them but would not leave them alone. He then said that He would ask the Father to send another, just like Him, to take His place. If you want to see what the Holy Spirit does for us, look at what Jesus did for the disciples. Holy Spirit will perform those same tasks for us as He reveals and glorifies Jesus.Read more
My Hope Manifested
My Hope ManifestedIt is not uncommon for the Lord to minister to us that we needed to increase our expectations in areas of our lives, including the healing of our bodies. Recently, He was directing me to focus on some areas that are frequently attributed to aging and are ones we can often “manage.” We must be confident that His Word promises us a long life. But not just a long life, but also a life well-lived, one which satisfies our person. To increase this expectation we must have our HOPE, a joyful, confident expectation based on both His Word and the person of Jesus. Read more
Established on The Firm Foundation
Established on The Firm FoundationThere are certain Biblical truths on which all believers should be grounded, established. Peter states twice in his second epistle (my paraphrase), em>“it is right (good) to be stirred up by way of reminder.” This study will focus on a number of foundational truths that we must know; revelations that are essential for our walk as His disciples. One of my favorites Psalms is Psalms 112 which describes a person who delights in His Word. strong>He is the one whose heart is established. This Psalm should be describing you and me, today! Read more
Acts of FaithIn the 5th Chapter of Mark’s Gospel account, Jesus tells Jairus, who just received a bad report, “Don’t fear, only believe.” Why would Jesus tell him “only believe?” This is what believers do. We believe the Word of the Lord and act on what we are told.Read more
Grace Faith and the Power of God
Grace, Faith and the Power of GodIt is not at all surprising that the two key elements God intended to work together have become such a divisive issue in the church today. Separate camps have devolved as many declare I am of the faith camp and others move solidly toward it is all about grace. This is one way the enemy works to keep God’s people from manifesting His power in the earth today. Read more
The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus
The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of ProphecyRevelation 19:10 closes with this phrase, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” This same verse tells us that today we are those who hold the testimony of Jesus. The testimony that you carry reminds you and will enlighten others to His goodness and desire for victorious living. It is time to declare what He has done. Read more
Provision with Purpose
Provision with PurposeGod’s first act toward man after his creation was to pronounce a blessing over him. Numerous scriptures attest to His desire to bless man in every area of life. Yet for many, the Father’s desire to bless His people is totally foreign. For others, it is totally rejected from prior teaching or traditions. And for some, it becomes the focal point for their entire relationship with God. What is the correct perspective?Read more
Seeing Jesus in My Promises of Healing
Seeing Jesus in My Promises of Healing1 Peter 2: 24 declares concerning Jesus, "...who Himself bore in His own body on the tree, that we having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed.” Do you see this as a promise for you today? We should. For all the promises of God find their yes in Him. Read more
Life in the Fear of the Lord
Life in the Fear of the LordHow would you react to a renowned world leader for whom you have great respect coming to visit you? The God of the universe has come. What is your response?Read more
Be Ye Holy as I am Holy
Be Ye Holy as I Am HolyWe see this command in scripture in both the Old and New Testaments. Many struggle to define “holiness” much less think that they are capable of “being holy.”Read more
Receiving from the Lord
Receiving From the LordThe Lord is so gracious to us and provides numerous ways to receive our healing from Him such as laying on of hands, gifts of healings and special miracles. Read more
Lessons From the Book of Job
Lessons From the Book of JobThe book of Job is one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible. Yet, with the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we can learn much about our heavenly Father and His goodness, about living life and our expectations of our Father.Read more