Home Media Series


Controlling Your Airspace
Controlling Your AirspaceThroughout history, armies sought the strategic advantage of the “high ground.” During the 20th century, they sought to gain air superiority, in other words controlling the airspace of their enemy! Scripture tells us clearly that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the “prince of the power of the air.” In other words, we need to control our airspace. Read more
Manifesting the Name of Jesus
Manifesting the Name of JesusIn John 17 Jesus declared that He “manifested Thy Name (the Father’s) to the men” that were given to Him. He did so through both the Words He spoke and the works that were performed through Him. He closed the chapter saying that He had made His (Father’s) name known and then noted that He will make it known! How can this be?Read more
Life in the Family Name
Life in the Family NameGod created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character. Read more
Resurrection Power and Authority
Resurrection Power and AuthorityAs Peter and John were being questioned about the “stir” that the Holy Spirit created with the healing of the lame man at the Gate Beautiful, the Jewish leaders asked a very important question. They wanted to know “in what POWER, or in WHAT NAME” (emphasis mine) that they had healed this man. This is not an “OR” question as these two are closely related. Read more
Healing Power Toward MeIn the book of Luke, scripture states that while Jesus was teaching, that “the power of the Lord was present to heal.” Should we not then expect that when we gather to be taught the Word, that healing power is present to heal all who need it? Absolutely we should!!Read more
A Valiant and Skillful Warrior
A Valiant and Skillful WarriorIn the book of 1 Chronicles, a battle is described which was conducted by “valiant and skillful men who went to war.” Yet in the battle, they still sought the Lord, who heard their request and answered them. An overwhelming victory was the result. The Lord spoke to me and said, “I need valiant and skillful prayer warriors just as skillful as these men of war!” Read more
His Way is Peace - It is My Choice
His Way is Peace – It is My ChoiceOver and over scripture tells us to fear not, yet most people think it is just not possible to never walk in fear. However, the Word teaches us that it is our choice to walk in fear or in His peace. And we can actually walk on a road of turmoil while experiencing His supernatural peace. His peace, a fruit of the Spirit, is a powerful force that will protect us in times of trouble.Read more
Forgiving Others as Jesus Forgave MeScripture instructs us in multiple verses that we are to forgive others as Jesus forgave us. We read those but do we really appreciate what a great gift has been given to us, that of forgiving others? And you may be thinking, what does this have to do with Healing? Read more
Trust in the Lord, Trust in His Prophets
Trust in the Lord, Trust in His ProphetsOld Testament scripture instructs that we are to"Trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.” Many believers would ask how does this verse apply to me today? This question certainly deserves an answer, one based on God’s Word and not just the opinion of man. This study will examine the role of the prophet in both the Old and New Covenants. Read more
Bring The Word As It Is in My HeartThe Children of Israel left Egypt boldly. But when the Egyptians pursued them, their heart melted, and all the words of the Lord left their lips. For 45 years Caleb kept the Word of the Lord in His heart and each time He spoke, He spoke with great faith what the Lord had said. Caleb recounted, I brought forth the word of the Lord as I had it in my heart. That word produced life. His Word in my mouth can do the same for me! Read more
Trust and Faith OR Unbelief
Trust and Faith, OR UnbeliefIn the 14th chapter of Numbers, the 22nd verse, God is speaking concerning the children of Israel and says “all the men who have seen My glory and My signs which I performed…yet they have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice.” As a result, none but Caleb and Joshua were able to enter the promised land, because of their UNBELIEF. All but those two walked in unbelief and not in TRUST and FAITH toward their God. Let us not do the same. Let us learn from their mistakes!Read more
To Follow in His Footsteps
To Follow in His FootstepsIn the Gospel accounts, Jesus speaks these words over and over again, “FOLLOW ME.” He first used this phrase to call those who would become His disciples. But it is interesting to note that Jesus says a disciple is not just one who follows and watches, but one who is trained to be like His Master. As the disciples were with Jesus, they saw how He ministered the Word, ministered healing to the sick, and even saw Him feed five thousand people. But they also learned how He conducted himself and how He cooperated with His Father. In so doing, the disciples learned where He put His attention and those areas, actions, and emotions He avoided.Read more