Home Media Series


I Can Receive From My Father
I Can Receive From My Father2 Peter 1 says that everything we need pertaining to life and godliness has ALREADY BEEN GRANTED to us! • What is holding us back from partaking in those promises? • Could it be that we have difficulty receiving God’s grace by faith?Read more
My Kinsman Redeemer
My Kinsman RedeemerMany studies of the book of Ruth focus solely on Ruth’s commitment to Naomi. While this is an important lesson of great love, of which we should take note, there is a much larger element to this account.Read more
The Rest of Faith
The Rest of FaithIn the 3rd chapter of Hebrews, we see that “they were not able to enter because of unbelief.” What was this a reference to? The promised land; or His Rest? If the latter, then what is His Rest? What does scripture teach us about God’s resting? See the importance of laboring to enter His Rest!Read more
Abounding in Favor
Abounding in FavorDo you realize that your life is to be like a “BILLBOARD” tribute to God? Throughout His relationship with His people, the LORD gave them great “favor” so that all men could clearly see His goodwill and love toward mankind! Is that same type of favor available for us today as His children? Read more
His Desire Toward Me is Health
His Desire Toward Me is HealthIt’s unfortunate that so many believe that they must convince God through their prayers to heal them. When in fact, health for mankind was His idea! And today, it is still His plan!Read more
Give Me My Mountain
Give Me My MountainAfter leaving Egypt and spying out the promised land, seeing all his fellow Hebrews resist God, and wandering in the desert for 40 years, Caleb remained faithful to God. Now it was his time to possess the land that had been promised him. And what He declared to Joshua is amazing. He declared, “Give me this mountain.” He absolutely knew it was truly “my mountain” and it was time to take it! Read more
Father Doesn't Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE
Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVEThe Lord speaks to us, “I have loved you with an everlasting love!” He goes on to declare, “Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” It is through that very love of God that His power will flow to and through us as we love, just as He has loved us! Learn with us the characteristics of that eternal love that we have been instructed to manifest to others! Read more
Power That Makes Possible
Power That Makes PossibleWhat is it that you need the Lord to do or to provide? Does it seem too big or that it is an impossibility? The Word of God is clear; with our God NO THING is impossible. Read more
Controlling Your Airspace
Controlling Your AirspaceThroughout history, armies sought the strategic advantage of the “high ground.” During the 20th century, they sought to gain air superiority, in other words controlling the airspace of their enemy! Scripture tells us clearly that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the “prince of the power of the air.” In other words, we need to control our airspace. Read more
Manifesting the Name of Jesus
Manifesting the Name of JesusIn John 17 Jesus declared that He “manifested Thy Name (the Father’s) to the men” that were given to Him. He did so through both the Words He spoke and the works that were performed through Him. He closed the chapter saying that He had made His (Father’s) name known and then noted that He will make it known! How can this be?Read more
Life in the Family Name
Life in the Family NameGod created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character. Read more
Resurrection Power and Authority
Resurrection Power and AuthorityAs Peter and John were being questioned about the “stir” that the Holy Spirit created with the healing of the lame man at the Gate Beautiful, the Jewish leaders asked a very important question. They wanted to know “in what POWER, or in WHAT NAME” (emphasis mine) that they had healed this man. This is not an “OR” question as these two are closely related. Read more