Home Media Series


The Way of Diligence
Being Found DiligentWhen you are told that you need to be diligent in a matter, what comes to your mind? Diligence is not something we do only in our flesh; it is a spiritual force that comes from our inner man. We can pursue God with our WHOLE HEART and be found diligent in His eyes! Read more
The Force of Righteousness
The Force of RighteousnessDo you see yourself as Righteous? Or maybe you are asking what it means to be Righteous. Knowing the truth about righteousness positions us to receive all God has promised us in His Word. It's time to learn the truth about RIGHTEOUSNESS.Read more
Faith in His Blood
Faith in His BloodFrom the beginning of time in the Garden, the Father used blood to “cover” the sin of His people. He desires to treat us as if sin never existed.Read more
In His Image, My Identity
In His Image, My IdentityWhat a wonderful thought that I am made in the image of God! And it gets even better as I learn that as a believer, I now possess in my spirit HIS ATTRIBUTES. Read more
Minton Williams Ministries Series: Abounding In Thanksgiving
Abounding in ThanksgivingYou might think that since we are approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, we are beginning a study on being thankful. No, it’s because of all the turmoil, division, financial uncertainties, ongoing viruses, etc. that the Lord has us studying “Abounding in Thanksgiving.” We must keep our focus on Him and as such, be thankful!Read more
Healing in My Redemption
Healing in My RedemptionThere has been much debate and discussion by believers about what exactly is included in redemption. This is particularly when it comes to the topic of healing. But the question should not be about man’s theories on the topic. Read more
Enough Faith?
Enough Faith?Most believers have probably asked the question, “Do I have ENOUGH FAITH?” We do so as we believe our faith has not produced the results we were seeking. We’ll see how the enemy uses UNBELIEF to hinder our walk of Godly faith. Just remember WE ARE OVERCOMERS just as the Bible declares us to be.Read more
Faith in the Power of God
Faith in the Power of GodPaul notes that what has been accomplished through His ministry was done so in word and deed by the power of the Holy Spirit. He believed in the power of God. Do we need to have faith in the power of God just as we do in His Word?Read more
Life With The Spirit of Power
Life With The Spirit of PowerScripture tells us that we, THE CHURCH, are to be TODAY, HIS OWN POSSESSION, a people who CLINGS to Him. And as such, a people of renown, for praise and glory! And it is all about Jesus! Read more
Living Life Led By His Spirit
Living Life Led By His SpiritHave you found yourself making a series of bad decisions or having consistent difficulties in certain areas of your life? If so, it is highly possible that you are living life making decisions on your own. And if you want this to change then this study is for you! Read more
Covenant Power Toward Me
Covenant Power Toward MeGod’s covenant promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be set free from the Egyptians bondage; it was His covenant power that brought about their deliverance. In this study, we will see His healing power toward us as He sent His Word to heal AND in the communion meal in which we partake.Read more