Home Love


29 Sep 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 01-The Flow of God’s Love

God is LOVE; He doesn’t possess or have love, that is WHO HE IS!

We have been created and loved by LOVE HIMSELF!

As such, we who are believers, are expected to walk in that same love toward others, just as Jesus did.

All we have and all we desire to shine forth toward others FLOWS THROUGH THAT SAME LOVE!

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07 Apr 2021

Life in the Family Name: 01-I Have the Family Name

The Father created you and me so that we could get to know Him in a very personal way. He wants us to not only know Him as Father but also to know and experience His character and nature through which He demonstrates His lovingkindness toward us.

Learn who we are and what we have been given in the family name.

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08 Jul 2020

To Follow in His Footsteps: 02-I Am His Beloved – Part Two

I believe that Jesus’s disciples left all and followed Him because of the love they saw Him exhibit; it captivated them in the depths of their hearts. They saw Him teach and minister to individuals and multitudes, wealthy and poor, the well and the sick. But they also saw how He walked in His Father’s love for Him!

We too can learn as they did how Jesus walked in His Father’s love. (and loved Him as well.)

Learn how we can love people and our heavenly Father just as the Master did.

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