Home Love


16 Mar 2016

Walking in the Love of God: 03-God’s Love for Me – Part Two

God has committed Himself to man, both His love and goodness, in a covenant relationship. But God did this while we were still sinners, not loving Him at all.

This revelation of the depth and the unfailing nature of His love will set you free.

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09 Mar 2016

Walking in the Love of God: 02-God’s Love for Me – Part One

God’s love is a giving love and He gave Jesus for us. That gift speaks to the depth of His love for mankind. He has committed Himself, His love and goodness, to man.

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02 Mar 2016

Walking in the Love of God: 01-Loved by God to Love

God is Love.
It is not something He has or possesses; it is WHO HE IS. And as we are created in His nature, He expects us to walk in love toward others just as Jesus did.

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