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20 Oct 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 04-Love Forgives

When you think about what Jesus said about sin, is your first thought on “forgiving seventy times seven?” Have you ever considered Jesus’s first words to the disciples following their being born again? How does my forgiving impact me, the one I forgive, and can it impact others as well?

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13 Oct 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 03-The SACRIFICE of LAYING DOWN MY LIFE

We often hear people talking about sacrificing, suffering and laying down their life. And each is scriptural. But what does the Word really teach us about each of these?

Sacrifices in scripture literally involve the death of something. What should I expect to suffer? Is there wrong suffering? And maybe you wonder how do I lay down my life?

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06 Oct 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 02-Serving Those Whom You Prefer

Scripture teaches us that love in action prefers his brother. We are also told that Jesus came TO SERVE and not to be served.

As you hear these instructions of the Lord, have you ever wondered how you could live a fulfilled life and not have your thoughts consumed on what you want and need?

If that seems contradictory to you, then this study is for you!

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