Home Love


08 Jun 2016

The Impact of Praise: 01-Praise and Worship – My Response to His Love

I often think that the very atmosphere of heaven is His LOVE. And as I see the Word describe the continual praise and worship in heaven, it says to me that my natural response to His love should be the same.

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25 May 2016

Walking in the Love of God: 13-Loving God, Not the World

How I love God’s people is a direct reflection of my Love for God Himself. His command to love is made possible by His grace to us.
Thank God for His Grace.
Thank God for His love FOR ME. Read more

18 May 2016

Walking in the Love of God: 12-Love’s Actions – Part Six

God’s love manifested will keep us from doing wrong or harm to one another. Because the love we have for one another is His love, our love for another will never end.

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