Home Love


23 Aug 2017

New Testament Prayers for ME: 07-Praying for the Lost

The Word teaches us that when we pray His will, He hears us AND if He hears us, we KNOW we have what we ask.

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09 Aug 2017

New Testament Prayers for ME: 05-Romans 1, 1 Thessalonians 1 and 3 Prayers

Paul’s prayer for the church in Rome is that spiritual gifts may be deposited in us to strengthen our being so that we may diligently encourage one another.

Paul prays for the saints in Thessalonica that their faith is sustained during times of persecutions.

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06 Aug 2017

Willing and Obedient: 04-Obedience in His Love

I am often asked “How do I know that I truly love Jesus?” It is a valid question.

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