Home Love


10 Nov 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 07-Love Judges Not

In preparing for this study, I began to think if there is one phrase I have heard people say concerning judging others; it is simply “oh I ‘m not judging!” And as I found scripture after scripture on this subject, I thought why did Holy Spirit put so many verses in the Bible on this subject?

Simply stated, it is because His body of believers judges each other too often!

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03 Nov 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 06-Love Covers

It sometimes seems as one missteps, does wrong or sins, from days gone by are now making headlines in the news. It is almost as if we are saying every sin one has committed should continue to be made public and held against them. But there is no scripture to support that; in fact, scripture teaches us just the opposite.

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27 Oct 2021

Father Doesn’t Just Have Love, HE IS LOVE: 05-Forgiving Myself as His Love Forgives

After asking the Lord to forgive you, have you ever had trouble forgiving yourself? Maybe for something that happened recently or even a miss that happened long ago continues to raise its ugly head? Many people have encountered this situation often causing them to experience condemnation! This ought not to be so!

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