Home Love


16 May 2018

Identification with Christ Jesus: 06-Living in God’s Kingdom with Jesus

Mephibosheth, Jonathon’s son had to learn to live in the blessings or promises of the Covenant that his dad made with King David. He had nothing to offer David yet covenant kindness flowed greatly toward him.

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09 May 2018

Identification with Christ Jesus: 05-Seeing Myself in the Covenant

Ephesians 2 tells us that we at one time were “strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God.” My life has been identified with His blood!

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25 Apr 2018

Identification with Christ Jesus: 04-Seeing My Identity in the Blessing and in Christ Jesus

The Blessing. It began with the first words Adam heard. It continued with Abraham and on to Isaac. The BLESSING was also upon Jesus, with whom we are in union.

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