Home Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

24 May 2023

Life With The Spirit of Power: 03-Anointed and Making a Difference

As BELIEVERS in JESUS, we have been offered an opportunity to open up our lives and live expansively.

And it is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit in us and through us!

It’s a decision each of us must make!

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17 May 2023

Life With The Spirit of Power: 02-Anointed to Bear Fruit

In the new and better covenant, is it still important to look to Holy Spirit in our every step? If we look at Jesus, we see that after the Spirit came upon Him, He began to bear much fruit to the honor of His Father!

We too are to be anointed to bear fruit!

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10 May 2023

Life With The Spirit of Power: 01-Foolish to Move Without His Spirit

Scripture tells us that we, THE CHURCH, are to be TODAY, HIS OWN POSSESSION, a people who CLINGS to Him. And as such, a people of renown, for praise and glory!

And it is all about Jesus!

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