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Holy Spirit

20 Jan 2016

Being Led by His Spirit: 03-My Sheep Hear My Voice

The 10th chapter of John tells us four times that “My sheep hear My voice.” Yet many will say I can’t ever hear Him talk to me? WHICH IS RIGHT? Do we believe what we have experienced or what God’s Word says?


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13 Jan 2016

Being Led by His Spirit: 02-Who Are You Holy Spirit?

Can you imagine being led by Jesus Himself as the disciples were? Do you believe that having Jesus here to lead us would be the best way to be led through life? If so, it is time to rejoice as that is exactly who we have leading us – one just like Jesus, the person of the Holy Spirit.

Learn to see Him as your best friend!

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06 Jan 2016

Being Led by His Spirit: 01-Who is Leading Me?

Can you imagine being led by someone that you don’t know, don’t trust, and can’t be sure they have your best interest at heart? It is key that we know the person of the Holy Spirit is the one we are following. Don’t look around for direction, look inside.

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