Home Healing


14 May 2020

Covenant Confidence: 03-My Covenant Compassion

In the Hebrew language, one word is translated both mercy and compassion, indicating that these words could be viewed as synonyms. Thus, COMPASSION can be viewed as a key element in chesed, His covenant love for us.

Why is this important for believers today?

As Jesus was moved with compassion healings occurred. This covenant compassion is available today for you.

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07 May 2020

Covenant Confidence: 02-My Covenant Anointing

As believers, we are no longer to be without hope, God or His covenants of promise. Yet when we are inundated with bad news, predictions that are dire and even warnings that the worst is to come, we may be tempted to see our hope wane if we focus only on such news.

Scripture promises us that we can always hope and trust in His MERCY (chesed.) He has anointed us and the anointing of God provides all we will ever need.

Learn how to value His anointing.

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30 Apr 2020

Covenant Confidence: 01-My Covenant of Healing

This session will focus on God’s Covenant promise of healing to the body of Christ today. We will see that not only have we been redeemed from sin, but from the impact of that sin on our body. We will learn that our Father of mercies has provided healing for our body and our soul!

Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!

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