Home Healing


08 Oct 2020

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 02-I Am Not a Parrot

A trap of the enemy is convincing us that our words do not really matter. Like a parrot, we will often speak everything we hear.

Yet the Word instructs us that we should not voice words unless we want them to come to us. Solomon instructs us (using the NLT) that the babbling of a fool invites disaster.

See how God changes and trains His people by focusing on their mouths.

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01 Oct 2020

Bring The Word As It Is in My Heart: 01-Declaring HIS Word

Genesis 1 records the phrase, “And God said,” 7 times in the first chapter; and we know that is how He created the world. This same chapter also tells us as men and women that we were created in His image.

As a man, Jesus stated, “The words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life.”

There is great power when we, His children, speak His word in Faith.

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13 Aug 2020

Protecting What is Entrusted to Him: 03-I TRUST the Lord

Proverbs 3: 5 begins with the instruction to us to “TRUST IN THE LORD.” In numerous other scriptures, we are instructed to “Trust in Him” and reminded that our “fathers trusted Him.” As a result, they were helped, not forsaken, not ashamed and “will be kept in perfect peace.” These are but a few of the benefits.

A valid question is just what does it mean to trust in the Lord? Join us as we learn what it means to trust and how it will impact our lives!

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