Home Faith/Hope


18 Dec 2019

Seeing More Fruit – 20/20

The Word of God is clear, believers are to be producing fruit, more fruit and much fruit. Just as Isaiah states that the increase of His government will never end, so too should His people be in constant increase of producing fruit for the Kingdom here on earth.

The key, remain in Him and allow His words to remain in you.

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12 Dec 2019

Acts of Faith – Part Two

In Part One of this study, we examined individuals who received a command of the Lord and were quick to ACT. They acted in faith on what they heard from the Lord. In this session, we will look at 10 examples of individuals who were healed and how they ACTED on what they heard.

We too can receive the Word of the Lord, in His written Word and through the Holy Spirit. We can also ACT to receive our healing, just as these individuals did.

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11 Dec 2019

Grace, Faith and the Power of God: 09-Value His Grace

How do you react when someone compliments you concerning the work of God in an area you have been given grace?

Do we try to make light of it as we say, “it’s not me?”

Or do we quickly give glory to God for the working of His grace in us and through us?

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