Home Faith/Hope


23 Jun 2021

Manifesting the Name of Jesus: 02-For Me A People: For Praise

Many of us would be bothered to think about this title; me being for PRAISE.

Learn with us today how we are to receive and be seen by others as the beneficiary of His mighty acts, for which He is to be praised! All so that men may see His Name MANIFESTED in the earth today!

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16 Jun 2021

Manifesting the Name of Jesus: 01-For Me a People: Of Renown

The Word tells us that God chose us to be, in His words, “For Me a people!” And that we would be a people FOR A NAME or “For Renown!”

You and I are the instruments that God has planned to use to reveal Himself and His Name to the World.

How will we respond?

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28 Apr 2021

Life in the Family Name: 04-Set Apart, In His Righteousness

The LORD plainly declares the He is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS as He speaks His Name as Jehovah-Tsidkenu!

How does His righteousness impact us?

He also declares that we have been sanctified by the LORD OUR SANCTIFIER. What is He revealing in this?

The answers to these questions are essential for believers to know, to believe and to act on!

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