Home Faith/Hope


25 Aug 2021

Power That Makes Possible: 06-Faith to Receive His Power

In the 5th Chapter of Marker to flow for her healing!

How do we hear such that we too receive such faith?

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18 Aug 2021

Power That Makes Possible: 05-Let His Power Flow

In John 14, Jesus says directly that we who believe in Him “shall do the works that I do.” How can that possibly be the case?

When we examine scripture, we see that the word says it is through the power of God flowing through us!

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11 Aug 2021

Power That Makes Possible: 04-The Devil’s Worst Nightmare

What is the devil’s worst nightmare? Consider what he saw after Jesus was raised from the dead.

• Believers being born from above and filled with the Holy Spirit.
• The anointing that was on Jesus resided on each of these believers.
• Now there are MANY, MANY, MANY just like Jesus.

Let us grow together in this teaching as we fulfill our mandate as the Body of Christ in the earth today.

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