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23 Mar 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 09-Did Caleb Pray or Say?

If we look closely at Joshua 14, we see that Caleb boldly declared that the mountain land was his, promised him by his God! Can we declare with the same confidence as Caleb on what Jesus has promised us?

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16 Mar 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 08-Power Twins: Bold and Confident

Do we really understand what is meant when the Bible declares that we are to be bold? Or to be confident? How do become both bold and confident?

And another big question is, can our boldness and confidence impact the words that we speak?

It is essential for us to answer these questions

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09 Mar 2022

Give Me My Mountain: 07-The Word of Power

Did the words that Caleb spoke to the children of Israel contain power? Before you answer, remember that these words were God’s Words! Does our Faith rest in the POWER of God or do we place faith in what man says?????

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