God created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”
They saw His desire was for man to know and fellowship with His God, in a manner which we would call being part of a family, His family.
God revealed Himself to man in many ways, even through His Names. With each Name, He reveals His nature and character to us. He also tells us in His Word that we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
God created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”
They saw His desire was for man to know and fellowship with His God, in a manner which we would call being part of a family, His family.
God revealed Himself to man in many ways, even through His Names. With each Name, He reveals His nature and character to us. He also tells us in His Word that we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character.
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”
God created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”
They saw His desire was for man to know and fellowship with His God, in a manner which we would call being part of a family, His family.
God revealed Himself to man in many ways, even through His Names. With each Name, He reveals His nature and character to us. He also tells us in His Word that we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character.
God created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”
They saw His desire was for man to know and fellowship with His God, in a manner which we would call being part of a family, His family.
God revealed Himself to man in many ways, even through His Names. With each Name, He reveals His nature and character to us. He also tells us in His Word that we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character.
God created man and crowned him with glory. Even the angels wondered, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?”
They saw His desire was for man to know and fellowship with His God, in a manner which we would call being part of a family, His family.
God revealed Himself to man in many ways, even through His Names. With each Name, He reveals His nature and character to us. He also tells us in His Word that we have His family name, and with it comes His nature and character.
In John 17 Jesus declared that He “manifested Thy Name (the Father’s) to the men” that were given to Him. He did so through both the Words He spoke and the works that were performed through Him. He closed the chapter saying that He had made His (Father’s) name known and then noted that He will make it known! How can this be?
In John 17 Jesus declared that He “manifested Thy Name (the Father’s) to the men” that were given to Him. He did so through both the Words He spoke and the works that were performed through Him. He closed the chapter saying that He had made His (Father’s) name known and then noted that He will make it known! How can this be?
“Healing School is designed to equip the Lord’s church in how to both receive & minister healing in obedience to the commission given to us by Jesus Christ.”